  • 學位論文


Strategies and Process of Taiwan Lesbian and Gay Movement: A Case Study of Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade (2003-2012)

指導教授 : 廖仁義


本文有三項研究核心,第一是梳理臺灣同志大遊行的歷史脈絡,自一九七○年代以來,歷經一九八○、一九九○年代,再進入二○○○世代以後,同志遊行如何成為最大型、可見的同志現身策略。第二聚焦臺灣同志大遊行的運動意涵,逐一指出臺灣同志遊行聯盟如何操作、召喚社群,檢視其運動目的與效能。第三,探究臺灣同志大遊行主要涉及的政治面向,以建構臺灣同志大遊行的運動面貌。 研究發現: 一、同志遊行具有解嚴後因政治狀態開放,而得以自由實踐集結、發聲的宣示意義。 二、同志遊行已發展成容納各式社會議題得以曝光的場域,轉化成彼此看見、也被社會、政治力看見的開放空間,不僅限於同志社群才能加入。因此,以多元交錯性理解同志遊行的運動意涵,較能避免階層化的歧視與壓迫。 三、臺灣同志大遊行並非要求立即結果的出現,也不僅止於影響政策的改革,而是著重在上街的當下,這些議題得以被看見,增加其曝光程度與社會對於邊緣議題的關注。 然而,臺灣同志大遊行在社運常態化和臺灣政治生態扭曲的普遍情況下,如何突破諸多社會政治的延宕與不願決議某些社會議題的政治權力,值得深層思考臺灣同志大遊行的未來走向。


The 3 core objectives of this study are as follows: (a) To describe the history of the Taiwanese lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride parade and how the parade became the largest and most visible approach that LGBT people selected for presenting themselves to public, beginning in the 1970s until today; (b) to emphasize the implications of the Taiwan LGBT pride parade movement and highlight how the Taiwan LGBT Parade Community operates to engage LGBT people, thereby inspecting the purpose and function of the movement; and (c) to explain the political significance of the Taiwanese LGBT pride parade and establish the image of the parade. The findings indicate that: I. The gay pride rally symbolizes the anti-stigma and anti-domination collective action developed by the sexual subjects at the bottom level of sexual hierarchy. II. The gay pride rally takes three social movement approaches, i.e. human right, civil right and sexual right, to advocate for equal rights. Further, the author identifies complicated historical and social constructivism factors due to sexual oppression that are embedded in main themes of the past rallies. To understand the identity difference of community or individual from the point of intersectionality can better avoid exclusion and unfairness resulted from stratification. The gay pride rally is a collective exercise of civil rights; it urges the government to amend or improve the current system to allow various sexual subjects to gain legal recognition and protection and to facilitate new democracy movement as well. However, considering the present circumstances of social movement normalization and twisted political environment in Taiwan, there should be deeper deliberations on how we can break through these difficulties of stagnated social justice agenda and the political system that refuses to decide on sexual issues.


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7. 《家庭暴力防治法》
