  • 學位論文


Exhibiting and Performing the Notions of Body: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender History Museum in Castro, San Francisco

指導教授 : 王嵩山


本文以舊金山卡斯楚GLBT歷史博物館作為博物館民族誌的研究對象,探究當地酷兒社群�博物館資源社群如何運用博物館技術以呈現具有爭議性的酷兒性別展演。在新自由主義發展重新配置人類生活的脈絡下,其意識型態形塑美國博物館展演呈現知識框架可見性與多樣性之感知;另一方面,舊金山博物館事業承繼美國民權運動歷史脈絡,透過可見性的提升改善族裔的社會關係。1980年代以降博物館社群矢志推廣文化�生物多樣性理念;然而,2012年初GLBT歷史博物館仍遭遇攻擊,此例突顯以促進理解性少數為使命的博物館所觸犯美國社會文化中所界定的多樣性的邊界。不僅如此,展演酷兒身體與認同既受爭議又極富挑戰。 由於酷兒身體實踐常不順服異性戀社會規範,酷兒性既隱匿在異性戀敘事軸線,同時體現於社群內部性別政治的歧異。因此,本文試以現象學途徑分析開館首年展演中酷兒性的體現,博物館如何透過展演酷兒肉身召喚生活經驗(lived experience),回應可見性及多樣性的基礎與侷限;同時亦透過其獨特的博物館體現呈現所處之社會文化結構與博物館能動性之間的張力。


酷兒 體現 多樣性 身體觀


The goal of this thesis is three-fold: (i) I study the corporal reality of queerness as shown in museum exhibitions; (ii) based on the findings in (i), I then shift my focus to how lived experience of queer bodies is summoned through such museum exhibition; (iii) finally, I address the issue of the foundation and the limitations of visibility and diversity. The major issue of this thesis is to investigate how the queer community and museum resources community is San Francisco, assisted by the museum techniques of the GLBT History Museum in Castro, present the controversial exhibition/performance of queer bodies. In the context of how Neoliberalism shapes human experience, I study how the ideology of Neoliberalism reframes the visibility and diversity of American museums performance and exhibition. In addition, the GLBT History Museum in Castro, inheriting the spirit of activities promoting civil rights, aims to improve the inter-racial relations in the United States. However, the attack encountered by the GLBT History Museum in early 2012 reflected how the mission of museum community of promoting the awareness of cultural and biological diversity since the ‘80s offended the borderline of diversity perceived by Americans. Besides, the exhibition/performance of queer bodies is a controversial and challenging task. Given that the practices of queer bodies oftentimes offend the social norms formed by the heterosexuals, queerness not only is hidden in narrative axis of heterosexuality, but also embodies the heterogeneousness of gender politics within the queer community.


queer embodiment diversity notion of body


