  • 學位論文


Aesthetics as An Approach to Constructing the Place Imagination within Taiwan's Cultural Policy—the Example of Yilan's “Art in Village”

指導教授 : 于國華


全球化引發的時空壓縮,使人們生活的地方愈趨相似、單一,地方成為消費性 導向的空間,人與土地失聯的後果是產生對生活意義與存在的貧乏感,而地方的面貌 也逐漸均質化,失去獨特文化風貌。面對此境況,國家文化政策開始回應,聯合國教 科文組織提倡「文化多樣性」,強調每一地的文化都有被保留的價值,是為全人類的 共同財產,以保障全球文化多元豐富的樣貌,維持文化多樣性的風貌。 于此,台灣文化政策中推出各種喚起、創造地方的政策,回顧此些文化政策脈絡, 「美學」似乎能夠作為一種建構地方想像的方法。宜蘭作為多年來文化政策的典範, 基於過去文化政策的基礎,於 2013 年推出「村落美學」政策,此一政策企圖以「美 學」找到「地方」的自我定位,如何落實此理念呢?本研究欲探討,在文化政策中, 「美學」與「地方」的關聯性,它們如何相互影響,如何以「美學」作為一種方法, 建構地方想像。 本研究以文獻分析法與訪談法搜集資料,透過資料整理、分析與歸類,從文化政 策的角度出發,釐清「美學」與「地方」在全球化脈絡中的關聯性,並分析文化政策 中如何以「美學」作為一種建構「地方」想像的方法,並且以「宜蘭村落美學」作為 案例,檢視此文化政策中如何詮釋美學與地方。


Globalization brings out the space compressing which makes the place where people live in look similar and singular. The place becomes consumer orientation. The consequence of the disconnection between the place and human beings is that people would lose the sense of existence and the meaning of life. The place will lose its specialty and become homogenized. Under this circumstance, the government tries to change the cultural policy to solve this problem. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization advocates Cultural Diversity, emphasize that cultures in every different place are worthy to be reserved. Those abundant and multiple cultures in the world are treasures of all human kind, they need to be well-preserved. Therefore, culture policy in Taiwan includes promoting and recreating the specialty of a place and arousing people’s conscious toward a local place. Through reviewing these cultural policies, “concept of aesthetics” seems to be an approach to construct the place. Based on these cultural policies, The Yilan County Cultural Affairs Bureau released a new cultural policy called “Art in Village.” This policy attempts to build up the cultural concept of a place by “aesthetics.” Thus, the researcher in this essay tries to probe the connection and associate between “aesthetic” and “place” through cultural policies and discuss about how these two elements affect each other in this policy. The researcher in this research uses document analysis and interview method to sort out and analyze the document and policies, and to clarify the associate between “aesthetic” and “place” in globalization context. Furthermore, the researcher tries to analyze the possibility of constructing the imagination of a place by using aesthetics as an approach. 


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