  • 學位論文


The Influence of Taiwan Aboriginal Culture in Performing Art Curriculum upon Students’ Ethnic Attitudes

指導教授 : 林劭仁


本研究的主要目的,在於設計一套以原住民文化為主題的表演藝術課程教材,並進行實驗教學,以瞭解課程對於改變學生對原住民族群的刻板印象、接納與互動關係是否有影響,並檢討其適用性。為了解學生在實驗教學後的改變,本研究以量的分析檢視學生族群態度的改變,並根據研究結果提出具體建議。本研究是以國中七年級生為研究對象,實驗課程為十週共計10節課,實驗工具為「原住民文化表演藝術課程」、「國中生族群態度量表」。資料處理以平均數差異分析(t檢定)比較學生的「族群態度量表」前後測分數,並輔以學生學習單的回饋與訪談等質性資料做為佐證分析以深入瞭解教學之成效。 歸納學習成效結果如下:1.實驗課程深受學生的肯定與喜愛,包含(1)豐富的課程內涵增進學生對其他文化尊重與包容。(2)多元化的教學策略為不同族群學生擴大學習機會。2.實驗課程與教學的學習效果,呈現積極正向的發展,包含提升對於原住民文化的認知程度、對原住民族群的形象趨近於正面、願意以友善的態度接納原住民族群,並主動發展良好的族群關係。3.不同背景變項之族群態度差異情形有所不同。 根據上述結論,研究者提出以下建議。1.對學校方面:國民中學應積極推展有關原住民族群之多元文化課程。2.對教師方面:(1)教師進修應納入多元文化教育提升教學專業知能。(2)上課方式採小組合作可增進學生彼此間良好的族群互動關係。3.對課程設計與實施方面:(1)教學時間充裕可加深思考與自我反省程度。(2)課程設計應運用多樣化的教學策略,使學習豐富多元。4.對後續研究方面:比較研究對象不同年級或其他背景資料、針對不同文化設計課程內容、以及問卷編製可增加不同的層面。


The purpose of this study is to design a Taiwan aboriginal culture to the theme of performing art curriculum materials and teaching experiments to understand the curriculum to change the students to aboriginal groups stereotype, the acceptance of aboriginal whether it will affect the relationship and interaction, and a review of its applicability. In addition to know the change of student after teaching experiment, researcher attempts to find the change of their ethnic attitudes by quantitative analysis and propose concrete suggestions from the result. Participants were seventh grades in junior high school. The experimental curriculum had lasted for ten classes within 10 weeks. The experimental tools were ” Taiwan Aboriginal Culture in performing art curriculum” and “the ethnic attitudes scale. ” One-way analysis of compare means (t-test) was used to analyze the pretest-post test score in ethnic attitudes scale and researchers can analyzed the result of the teaching deeply by reading qualitative data(students’ study feedback and access information). Summarizes the main findings are as follows: 1.As a part of Curriculum and Instruction was informed that:(1).The experimental programs are very popular with students definitely love. Like grounds contains a wealth of curriculum content, students of other cultures to promote respect and tolerance. (2)A wide range of teaching strategies for different groups of students to expand learning opportunities. 2.Experimental Study of Curriculum and Instruction effects showed a positive development of positive, including to enhance the students for the Taiwan aboriginal cultural awareness to help students to recognize and change negative groups of Taiwan aboriginal the image of a friendly attitude of willingness to accept Taiwan aboriginal groups, and took the initiative to develop good good relations between ethnic groups. 3.The differences among the students’ ethnic attitude toward Taiwan Aboriginal according to different background variables. Based on the above conclusions, the researcher made the following suggestions. 1.For schools: National secondary schools should actively promote the groups of Taiwan aboriginals Multicultural Curriculum. 2.For teachers: (1).Teacher education should be incorporated into the teaching profession to enhance multicultural education and skills. (2).Team works in the promotion of good interaction between groups. 3.For the curriculum design and implementation: (1).Teaching should be ample time for reflection and to deepen the degree of self-reflection. (2).The design of curriculum must be used in a variety of teaching strategies, so that the rich multicultural study. 4.For future studies: survey the different attributes of students, add the different cultural connotations, and make the multilevel scale of ethnic attitude.




