  • 學位論文


A Study of curriculum evaluation of service-learning: An Example of Taipei National University of the Arts

指導教授 : 林劭仁


本研究旨在探究服務學習課程評鑑,係指「國立臺北藝術大學師資培育中心服務學習課程」中的課程發展、實施情形、困境、評鑑結果與相關影響要素。研究採質性與量化研究並重的方式進行,首先透過文獻作為研究基底,瞭解服務學習及課程評鑑的內涵,而後進一步探討課程評鑑運用在服務學習中的發展、原則及模式等。其次,採用直接觀察法,並撰寫觀察日誌,記錄營隊課程規劃與實施歷程。此外,並於課程實施期間輔以問卷調查,瞭解師資生對課程的看法,並且希冀師資生能透過問卷對課程進行反思。於營隊結束後,以焦點團體座談邀請參與服務學習課程的籌備小組與師資生針對課程內容、師資狀況、中隊情形、自身的服務歷程進行討論、回饋與反思。另外,亦請不同中隊隊員對於出隊時的課程作觀察記錄,以利研究之客觀性與有效性。並將所蒐集資料之量化與質性資料進行分析與探究,以提出研究發現如下: 1.課程評鑑有助於提升服務學習課程發展與實施。 2.服務學習課程應形成性與總結性評鑑。 3.服務學習課程有助於提升師資生隊自身能力的體認。 4.服務學習課程應注重培訓課程的深度與歷程。 5.服務學習課程之藝術教育服務隊提供學生成長的環境與機會,唯自信心方面較無顯著提升。 6.服務學習課程透過評鑑可重新檢視與調整。 7.服務學習課程顯著提升師資生隊教學現場的體認。 8.服務學習課程增加師資生對教育優先區學校與學生的認識。 最後依據本研究結論,隊營隊與後續研究者提出建議,以作為往後應用之參考。


The study aims to analyze the curriculum evaluation on service learning, with reference on the curriculum development, implementation, difficulties, evaluation results, and relevant influence factors of “The Taipei National University of the Arts Center for Teacher Education Service-Learning Course.” The study adopted qualitative and quantitative research methods, using the literature as the research base to understand the context of service learning and curriculum evaluation while further exploring into the implementation of curriculum evaluation on the development, principles and patterns of service learning. Secondly, the study adopted direct observation by writing an observation log, recording camp curriculum planning and implementation course. Moreover, a questionnaire survey was issued during the curriculum implementation period to understand the views held by the faculty and students towards the curriculum, whereas the faculty and students are also expected to reflect on the curriculum through questionnaires. At the end, the organizing camp of service learning curriculum, faculty and students are invited to participate in focus groups by discussing, giving feedback and reflecting on the curriculum content, faculty quality, mid-camp, and self-service course. Additionally, the mid-camp members will make observation records for trips to facilitate objectivity and validity of the research. The data collected will be analyzed and explored into using quantitative and qualitative methods. The study discoveries are proposed below: 1. Curriculum evaluation helps promoting the development and implementation of service learning-course. 2. Service learning curriculum should contain formative and summative evaluation. 3. Service learning curriculum will help promoting the faculty and student recognition to self ability. 4. Service learning course should emphasize on the depth and curriculum of training courses. 5. The art education service camp of service learning curriculum offers students with the environment and opportunities. Nonetheless there was no significant enhancement in confidence. 6. Service learning curriculum can be re-reviewed and adjusted through evaluation. 7. Service learning curriculum can significantly improve the recognition of faculty and student camp in teaching site. 8. The service learning curriculum increases faculty and student knowledge on schools and students in education priority areas. Finally, the study proposes recommendation to the team and follow-up researchers as reference for future application based on the study conclusion.




黃德州(2007)。直接教學法對於國小智能障礙學生 性騷擾防治學習成效之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700403
