  • 學位論文


Relationship between Caregiver's Burden, Social support and Health -related Quality of Life among Female Spouses of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients

指導教授 : 林俐伶


本研究目的在了解慢性阻塞肺疾病女性配偶的照顧負荷、社會支持及生活品質關係。研究採相關性研究設計,以方便取樣,研究對象取自南部某醫學中心之胸腔科門診、及居家COPD患者之女性配偶共143位,採結構式問卷收集資料。問卷內容包括:照顧者負荷量表、社會支持量表、生活品質量表、研究對象基本屬性、個人基本屬性。結果發現:(1)照顧者負荷平均得分為29.34分,其中心理負荷程度最高,以「擔心先生病情變壞」為重,生理負荷程度最低;社會支持平均得分為34.66分,其中配偶得到情緒支持最高,以資訊支持足夠得到最低;配偶生活品質平均分數為51.22分,其中以社會層面得分最高,其次為環境、心理、而以生理健康層面最低。(2)配偶照顧負荷與本身年齡、照顧病患年數無顯著相關,與配偶有無慢性病、經濟狀況、教育程度無顯著差異;但配偶照顧負荷與病人FEV1值(F=3.99,P<.05)、病人住院次數(F=5.03,P<.05)及病人是否使用氧氣(t=2.13,P<.05),達統計上顯著差異。(3)配偶的生活品質與本身經濟狀況(F=7.83,P<.00)、教育程度(F=3.53,P<.01),達統計上顯著差異。另外,病人住院次數越多次,配偶的生活品質會受到影響。(4)配偶的社會支持越足夠,照顧負荷程度越低;配偶的社會支持越足夠,其生活品質越好;配偶的照顧負荷程度越低,其生活品質會越好。 本研究結果將有助於讓護理人員清楚COPD患者之女性配偶所承受照顧負荷、社會支持及生活品質狀況,尤其是當病人肺功能差及住院次數高的個案,應詳細評估其家庭狀況及配偶的需求,以便能適時提供必要時的支持與協助。


The purpose of this correlational study was to understand relationships among caregivers’ burden, social supports, and quality of life of female spouses of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. A total of 143 participants were recruited through a convenient sampling procedure from the chest out-patient department and the COPD home care unit of a medical center from South Taiwan. The study used structured questionnaires that included four parts: the Primary Caregivers Burden Scale, the Social Support Scale, WHOQOL-BREF, and the participants’ and the COPD patients’ demographic information. Results of the study revealed: 1. The average score of caregivers’ burden was 29.34 with a highest average score of psychological domain subscale, and a lowest average score of physical domain subscale. The average score of social support was 34.66. The highest score of social support was emotional support, and the lowest score was informational support. The average score of quality of life was 51.22. The highest level of quality of life was the social domain, followed by the environmental and psychological domain, the lowest level was the physical health domain. 2. The caregivers’ burden were significantly different in terms of the level of patients’ FEV1 (F=3.99, P<.05), the frequency of admitted in hospitals (F=5.03, P<.05), and the using of oxygen (t=2.13, P<.05). However, there were no significant differences of the caregivers’ burden on their health, economic, and educational status. The caregivers’ burden was also not related to the participants; ages and the number of year in caring of the COPD patient. 3. The levels of quality of life were significantly different in terms of the economic status (F=7.83, P<.05), educational status (F=3.53, P<.05), and the frequency of admitted in hospitals (F=4.2, P<.05). 4. The levels of social support were related to caregivers’ burden (r=-.25, P<.05) and quality of life significantly (r=.36, P<.05). The higher of level of social support was, the lower of level of caregiver burden, and the higher of quality of life. The results of this study were able to help nurses understand the COPD patients’ female spouses’ caregivers’ burden, social support, and quality of life. Especially for the patients with poor lung functions or the patients who were admitted hospital frequently, the nurses should be more carefully in assessing their family conditions and the spouses’ needs in order to provide necessary supports and assistances.


COPD caregiver burden social support Quality of Life




