  • 學位論文


A Satisfaction Study for the Station of THSR – The Example of Tainan Station

指導教授 : 紀雲曜


台灣高速鐵路建設計畫係採用BOT(Build–Operate–Transfer )模式,由政府交由民間投資興建(Build)與營運(Operate),並於特許營運期滿後,再將高鐵系統移轉(Transfer)給政府,因此高鐵站區規劃的成功與否將對整個車站未來之發展定位是極重要的一項課題。 本研究運用結構方程式結構關係(Structure Equation Modeling,SEM)分析影響高鐵場站滿意度之各因素間之因果關係,共分為三個部分來探討高鐵台南站之車站站體、車站站區及車站特定區與滿意度等構面之關係。期望政府及台灣高鐵公司於規劃高鐵車站的同時,能瞭解民眾的實際需求,並依據民眾之重視程度,規劃更切合一般大眾期盼之車站,改善大眾認為不滿意的項目,以提升服務品質,進一步滿足民眾的需求。 歸納本研究之主要發現如下: 1.不同性別、年齡、教育程度及職業與滿意度有顯著差異存在。 2.車站站體、車站站區及車站特定區與整體滿意度為正相關。 3.車站站體、車站站區及車站特定區能預測並解釋整體滿意度。 在車站站體滿意度方面滿意以上佔60.6%,其滿意度頗高,車站站區滿意度方面滿意以上佔43.2%,不滿意以上佔1.3%,車站特定區滿意度方面滿意以上佔20.3%,不滿意以上佔3.2%,整體高鐵台南站滿意度方面滿意以上佔52.5%,其滿意度頗高。


The overall construction project for Taiwan’s high speed railway is applying BOT model (Build – Operate – Transfer), the first phase of this model is that the government would attract private investment which would therefore be responsible for both the overall HSR construction (Build) and the Operation business (Operate); once the concession period expires, the private investment would then transfer (Transfer) the entire HSR system back to the government. Therefore, a successful planning for HSR station area is quite important for the future development orientation of the whole station. In this study, we will use the Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the casual relationship among all the factors that affect the satisfaction of HSR station. Furthermore, we will classify into three parts to study the relations between Station Body, Station Area and Station District of Tainan station and the Satisfaction interface. For the purpose of providing an ideal station to our citizens, we do hope our government and Taiwan High Speed Rail could understand their practical requirements and be according to the degree of importance to them while planning a HSR station; furthermore, could improve all the items that dissatisfy all our station users in order to upgrade the service quality of THSR for meeting all our citizens’ satisfaction. Primary findings of this study are deduced as below: 1. There are apparent differences exist between the degree of satisfaction and some of the different demographic factors (that is; gender, age, education and occupation). 2. It’s a positive correlation between Overall Satisfaction and the Station Body, Station Area and Station District. 3. Could forecast and explain the overall satisfaction from the results of Station Body, Station Area and Station District. Satisfaction rate above Satisfied for Station Body is 60.6 %, it’s a rather high satisfaction degree; Satisfaction rate above Satisfied for Station Area is 43.2%, below Satisfied is 1.3%; Satisfaction rate above Satisfied for Station District is 20.3%, below Satisfied is 3.2%. Satisfaction rate above Satisfied for overall THSR Tainan Station is 52.5%, which is also a rather high Satisfaction.


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