  • 學位論文


The Impact on Trusts Between Subordinates and Leaders in Government Departments by Distance and Communication─ A Case of Police Offices in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 曾信超
共同指導教授 : 顏義文


警察機關的組織功能在於維護社會治安打擊犯罪,其組織效能是否發揮,攸關國家社會安定與人民生命財產安全甚巨;而警察機關主管之領導風格與部屬間的互動,引發出勤務與業務執行績效之差異。因此,本研究針對警察機關主管與部屬之間,就其距離(權力、情感、物理)及溝通(頻率、時間)對主管與部屬間信任的影響加以探討,研究對象為高雄市警察局十處分局之組長及所長暨五處直屬大隊之組長、中隊長及分隊長等主管;本研究共發放249份問卷,回收有效問卷192份。在資料分析方法上,主要採用敘述統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、效度分析、變異分析來進行實證分析,並以迴歸分析及LISERL分析對本研究整體研究架構進行驗證,驗證結果發現: 1.情感的距離( 人際關係 ),對主管(被信任者)與部屬(信任者)間的信任行為,均有統計顯著性的反向影響,且主管的可信特質,在情感距離與部屬信任行為之間,起了中介效果。就人際關係的實務面而言,情感距離增加(人際關係疏遠),彼此的信任程度就降低;故主管若能降低上下屬間的情感距離,則較能彰顯其可信任特質(善意、正直),而贏得部屬的信任行為(遵從、追隨及分享)。 2.權力(權威)的距離,對溝通的頻率(次數)有統計顯著性的正向影響;而情感距離,對溝通的頻率(次數)有統計顯著性的反向影響。就溝通行為的實務面而言,權力的距離增加或情感的距離降低,則主管與部屬之間的溝通次數就愈多;故主管與部屬,彼此若能善用其權力距離與情感距離,則能有效地運用溝通,增進彼此的互動品質。總之,溝通多,了解多是主管獲得部屬信任的基礎。 3.外勤單位的物理距離,對溝通的時間有統計顯著性的正向影響;而內勤單位的物理距離,則對溝通的時間沒有統計顯著性的影響。就溝通時間的實務面而言,外勤單位較內勤單位對物理距離的感受程度相對地高,故若「各所或各分隊」至「分局或大隊」的合理駕車時間增加,則會增加彼此間的溝通時間,方能澄清疑惑,達成共識。 總結本研究發現為:「上下屬間的權力距離及情感距離對溝通的頻率(次數)」、「外勤單位的物理距離對溝通的時間」、「情感距離對主管的可信任特質」及「主管的可信任特質對部屬的信任行為」等均產生統計顯著性的影響。


距離 溝通 信任 警察局


Keeping the peace and attacking the crimes are both police’s responsibilities, which absolutely influence social security and citizen lives; however, there is a large gap of work results among the police due to interior communications and leaderships based on leader’s personalities. Hence we researched the impacts on trust inside the police, focused on leaders and subordinates, by communications (frequencies and times) and distances (physical distance, power distance and affectional distance), the objects are sergeants and chiefs in 5 corps and 10 precincts of Kaohsiung city, where 192 valid questionnaires (from 249 questionnaires) was collected. In analysis methods, descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis and variation analysis were mainly used to prove the data, then regression analysis and LISERL analysis were used to test and verify the whole research. On these grounds we have come to the following conclusions. 1. The impact on trust behaviors between leaders and subordinates by affectional distance (interpersonal relationship) is dramatically reverse, and leaders’ believable characteristics make intervening effects between affectional distance and subordinates’ trust behavior. In terms of relationships, an increase in affectional distance will cause a loss in the level of trust, therefore leaders can gain subordinates’ trust behavior (deference, following and share) if they reduce the affectional distance to feature their believable characteristics (good intention and integrity). 2. Power distance will positive influence significantly communication frequencies (times) in this statistic, but affective distance will negative influence. So far as communication is concerned, as power distance rises or affective distance falls, communication frequencies between leaders and subordinates will also increase, thus once leaders and subordinates can control these distances, they will have better communication and interactions. 3. Physical distance of legwork will influence seriously communication time in this statistic while physical distance of office work will not. In respect of communication time, police has more vibrations in physical distance when they execute legwork compare to office work, which also means an increase in rational driving time will cause that police have to rise communication time for understanding each other and common views. All in all, the findings from our research are that, communication frequency is affected by the power distance and affective distance between leaders and subordinates, communication time is affected by physical distance of legwork, leaders’ believable characteristic is affected by affective distance, and subordinates’ trust behavior is affected by leaders’ believable characteristic.


distance communication trust police




