  • 學位論文


A Study on Hemodialysis Medical Material Suppliers of the Key Success Factors.

指導教授 : 王正華


台灣2011年末期腎臟疾病的盛行率為每百萬人口3135人,發生率約為每百萬人口353人,總血液透析人數為64,680人,年成長率4.2﹪。依中央健保局公布2012年的醫療費用支出統計數據,洗腎費用整體申報點數高達375億點,可見血液透析佔整體醫療產業相當大的地位。為此,醫材供應商應不斷提昇自我競爭力來面對市場環境的變化挑戰及符合醫護人員的需求與滿意。 本研究對象區分為兩類:一、層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP) 研究對象為國內從事銷售血液透析產品公司之單位主管。二、重要-表現程度分析法 (Importance - Performance Analysis,IPA) 研究對象是南部地區血液透析中心之醫護人員。 血液透析醫材供應商成功關鍵要素其三個評估構面『價格』、『產品品質』、『品牌商譽』以及十一項評估準則,經專家AHP量化問卷分析,研究結果顯示『產品品質』權重值為44 %,為專家最關注的成功要素。而十一項評估準則權重值排序前五大分別為:知覺價格、專業形象、客觀價格、產品功能性及耐久性,其權重加總佔整體的60.14 %。此外,整合IPA與SWOT分析結果得出相關性變項如下:在「繼續保持」象限有三項,1.產品於功能性上的設計,符合客戶所需要之特性,且具穩定安全性、2.產品耐久性佳,於嚴格品管監控下接近零不良率,並可承受長時間的運作使用、3.醫材供應商具備豐富知識專業形象,可得到客戶的認同與尊重,視為「機會(O)」因素。在「次要改善」象限有四項:1.產品臨床上表現出好的績效反應,使得相對在市場上客戶的接受度高、2.產品售價由供應商依實際製造品質與成本利潤來制訂,是買方所須交付給賣方的客觀價格、3.產品售價經買方對於品質上感受,其心理所產生的主觀認知價格,並且將其轉化為昂貴或便宜的觀念加以認定記憶的知覺價格、4.醫材供應商於業界信用良好及品牌聲譽形象優良,視為「劣勢 (W)」因素。在「過度重視」象限有兩項:1.產品設計具容易性特點,使用便利人性化並且操作簡單容易上手、2.醫材供應商擁有好的服務品質形象,視為「優勢 (S)」因素。建議醫材供應商可針對以上指標性項目依重要度優先順序執行,提供經營者未來須重視的方向及擬定策略之參考。


The prevalences and incidence rate of End-stage renal disease (ESRD) reached 3135 cases per million population and 353 per million population respectively in Taiwan in 2011, furthermore, a total of 64,680 patients with ESRD were receiving hemodialysis, resulting in 4.2 percent of annual growth rate. The total service points claimed for hemodialysis reached 375 hundred million points based on the statistical data of medical expense from bureau of national health insourance (BNHI) in 2012, suggesting that hemodialysis occupies an important position of medical service. Therefore, the supplier of medical devices keep promoting self-competitiveness to face the challenge of diverse medical market and satisfy the demands of medical employees. This study includes two subjects, for Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), unit managers of hemodialysis devices supplier were participated ; for Importance - Performance Analysis (IPA), medical employees came from hemodialysis center of South Taiwan were participated. Three key success factors of hemodialysis devices supplier include price, quality of products, good-will value and other eleven evaluation criterions. Previous study showed that "quality of products" was weighting 44 percents which made experts most concerning about. Top five within the grades that arranged according to weighted analysis of the eleven evaluation criterions include perceived price, professional image, objective price, product function, durability. These five factors accounted for 60.14 percent of eleven evaluation criterions . Furthermore, we integrated the result of IPA and strength, weakness, opportunity, threat (SWOT) analysis. Then we found that three items were placed into the “keep up the good work” quadrant, including first, whether the stability and design meets the need of clients; second, good durability, serious quality control makes fraction defective almost be zero that products can endure long working hours; third, the medical devices supplier should be rich in professional knowledge to get identity and respect from clients and that was considered as opportunities (O) factor. Four items were placed in quadrant of “minor improvement ”including first the good performance on clinical test that give rise to high acceptance for clients; second the objective price that buyer paid for buyer which should be made in accordance with the actual cost and manufacturing quality; third the perceived price which was generated via cognition of buyer who identified the price of product was expensive or cheap and meanwhile, concerned its quality; Fourth the medical devices supplier was recognized as good credit with well brand image in that field, this case was considered as weak (W) factor. Two items were placed in the quadrant of “ possible overkill ” including first the product was easy design and user-friendly that can be operated easily second having good service image was considered as strong (S) factor. We suggested that medical devices suppliers can perform their projects according to the priority of importance degree from above indicators. We also provided the operators the directions they must pay attention to and reference for planning strategies.


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