  • 學位論文

新住民受暴婦女就業與賦能之探討 -以南部地區越南國籍配偶為例

A Study of the Empowermwnt on Immigrant battered Women Seeking Work and Employment-Cases of Vietnamese Spouse in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 卓春英


本研究採質性研究取向方式,透過深度訪談9位受暴越南國籍新住民婦女生命歷程,了解越南國籍新住民就業與受暴經驗間之動態影響關聯性,並進一步發掘其持續向前的賦能要素及復原力。 本研究發現主要歸納為四個面向: (一) 首先透過受訪者求職及就業歷程,了解受暴越南國籍新住民的勞動參與狀況、職業類型、就業障礙及轉換工作的影響和考量因素; (二) 瞭解越南國籍新住民婦女受暴後的就業狀況以及支持系統,並進一步探討她們在面對受暴逆境時,其本身與環境中所具備的內在因應策略和外在支持機制,如何形成受訪者就業與受暴弱勢處境的轉換契機; (三) 受訪者在投身勞動市場歷程中,與家庭暴力處境轉化間之賦能要素與復原力; (四) 依據研究結果進行統整,並對政策及實務工作提出建議。 最後,根據本研究結論,提出實務以及未來研究之建議。 關鍵詞:新住民、賦能、就業、家庭暴力、復原力


新住民 賦能 就業 家庭暴力 復原力


Abstract The study which adopts qualitative research method to collect data through in-depth interview with nine new immigrant Vietnamese women suffer from domestic violence aims to understand the correlation between new immigrants’ experience of employment and domestic violence. Furthermore, to discover what the empowerment and resilience are for them to move on. The results of the study are generalized into four categories: (1) First, to understand the labor (force) participation, types of careers, obstacles of obtaining a job, effects of changing a job and the factors they might consider by understanding the process of finding a job and employment of the Vietnamese new immigrant women suffered from domestic violence. (2) To understand the employment status and the supporting system of the Vietnamese new immigrant women after they suffered from domestic violence. Furthermore, to study how the inner coping strategies and outside supporting system of the interviewees and their environment to form the turning point between employment and the situation when they face domestic violence. (3) To study the empowerment and resilience of how the interviewees transferred between employment and domestic violence situation. (4) Integrate information provision base on the study results, the opinions and suggestions for policy and practical. At last, adequate information provision base on the study results, suggestions for practical and future research. Keywords: new immigrants, empowerment, employment, domestic violence, resilience


