  • 學位論文


The association between maternal working conditions and neonatal low birthweight

指導教授 : 李素幸


依行政院主計處2005年的「人力運用資源調查」顯示,女性勞動人口佔總勞動市場的42%,而且25-44歲投入勞動市場的婦女更超過60%。由上述調查顯示,國內正值生育年齡的女性人口投入職場的比例相當高,但低體重新生兒的百分比卻逐漸增加。所以本研究將針對職業婦女孕期勞動狀況、作業暴露及特性作評估,探討這些工作特性與暴露是否與新生兒低體重具關聯性。 本研究是採病例對照研究法(Case-Control Study),研究對象是以某醫學中心自93年6月1日至95年4月30日間產下單胞胎新生兒的職業婦女為研究對象(無死產),資料收集以結構式問卷進行,內容包括母親在懷孕期間的工作勞動狀況、作業暴露、工作特性、日常生活狀況及基本資料,資料分析則以邏輯迴歸計算新生兒低體重發生之相對指標勝算比(Odds Ratio)。 研究結果發現,新生兒的週數,母親的年齡、家庭月收入、產檢次數、罹病經驗(孕期出血及高血壓)及工作、家事抬舉重物時間等變項,與新生兒的出生體重有統計上差異;在懷孕期間自覺工作控制感受度低之婦女,相對於工作控制感受較高的婦女,產下低體重新生兒的OR為1.71(95%CI=1.15-2.54),在工作行業上,從事批發零售與住宿餐飲業母親產出低出生體重新生兒的危險相對高於醫療保健及社會福利服務業工作者,其OR值分別為1.77(95%CI=0.74-4.19)及2.60(95%CI=0.81-8.36);在工作特性上,每日坐下工作時間不足4小時之婦女相對於坐下時間8小時或以上者,其產下低體重新生兒之OR值1.7(95%CI=0.76-3.81)。 目前勞委會對於妊娠中的女性勞工,列有保護項目,但是這些保護項目均與作業型態有關,但對於工作內容未有任何規範,建議勞委會應參考目前對孕期婦女的研究知識,提出更適合大眾婦女的規範或保護建議。


According to the “Manpower resources survey,” conducted by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan in 2005, female workers accounted for 42% of the national man power in Taiwan. For the age group of 25 to 44, the proportion of female workers has even reached 60%. This survey indicates that as the proportion of female workers increased, the proportion of low birthweight babies increased as well. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the association between workplace physical activities and exposures during pregnancy and outcome of low birthweight babies among female workers. This is a case-control study. Study population included all the female workers who delivered single newborn babies (no stillbirth)between June 1, 2004 and April 30, 2006 in a medical center. Information which were collected through a structured questionnaire, contains workplace physical activities, work exposures, working conditions, daily condition and the demographic characteristics. Data analysis applied Logistic Regression to estimate Odds Ratios (OR) for the dependent of low birthweight. The result shows that the gestational age, the age of the mother, the household income, the preclinical check-up, the medical background ( antepartum hemorrhage and hypertension), heavy weight lifting at work or home have different effects on the weight of the newborn.; and compared to those who have stronger sense of control at work, those who have lower sense of control at work have greater risk of having low birthweight(OR=1.71, 95%CI=1.15-2.54);.In the industry, mothers who work in the wholesale retail sales,lodging and food industry have greater risk of low birthweight delivery than those who work in Health care and social services (OR =1.77, 95%CI=0.74-4.19;OR =2.60, 95%CI=0.81-8.36). In addition, mothers who don’t get to sit for more than 4 hours per day at work have greater risk of low birthweight delivery than those who are allowed to sit for 8 hours or more(OR =1.7,95%CI=0.76-3.81) The Ministry of Labor Affair has a list of laws to protect the pregnant labors. However these laws vary according to different job fields and do not go in details to explain how the codes are used for different job contents. It is suggested for the Ministry of Labor Affair to refer to new researches done about pregnant woman in labor and come up with more suitable laws and regulations to properly protect female professionals.


19.陳保中、Doyle PE、白璐、王榮德(1999),父母親社經狀態與低出生體重嬰兒、早產兒、及生長遲滯嬰兒之相關性探討。中華衛誌,18(2),105-115。
