  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influences between Recognization to Marketing Strategies of Private Senior High School and student's Intention of Enrollment after Free Admittance: A Case of Chang-Jung Senior High School

指導教授 : 李元墩


摘 要 近年來由於國人生活型態的變遷,人口結構呈現少子化之趨勢,在可預見的未來,國中畢業生的人數將愈來愈少,而學校的存續亦將遭受嚴峻的挑戰。政府有鑑於此,提出十二年國教、免試入學的政策,輔以全面免學費的福利措施,將造成教育生態的大變動。但是推動免試入學之初,家長對於國中的教學成效必然有所疑慮,而對高中階段學校的辦學績效也會有較多的期待,各校未來必須在吸引廣大的免試生就讀上各出奇招,如何提升行銷績效當然是各校必須琢磨的課題。 根據上述動機,本研究之研究目的如下: 一、檢視台南地區學生對長榮高中各種行銷策略的認知與接受度。 二、釐清長榮高中各種行銷策略對於學生就學意願的影響程度。 三、提出建言,供學校作為擬定未來招生策略的參考依據。 本研究採用問卷調查法,對象設定在長榮高中附設國中部九年級學生中可能以『免試入學』方式回流就讀高一者進行普測。總計發放217份問卷,回收問卷209份,剔除無效問卷8份後,有效問卷為201份,有效問卷回收率為92.6%。回收之問卷以SPSS 18軟體分析,採敘述性統計法、多元迴歸分析法、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析法驗證研究假設,並獲得如下七個結論: 一、學生在產品策略的認知正向影響其就讀意願且極為顯著。 二、學生在通路策略的認知正向影響其就讀意願但不顯著。 三、學生在推廣策略的認知正向影響其就讀意願但不顯著。 四、學生在價格策略的認知正向影響其就讀意願但極不顯著。 五、學生對四個行銷策略的總體感覺認為「產品策略」對其就讀意願影響最大。 六、推廣行銷策略的認知對於不同性別的學生有顯著地影響其就讀意願。 七、產品行銷策略、價格行銷策略及通路行銷策略的認知對於不同家境的學生有顯著地影響其就讀意願。 可見未來各校經營者都應該在學校的本質上優質再精進,形塑良好的學校特色,以增強招生的競爭力。


Abstract Because our life is changing in Taiwan, the population structure shows that there are fewer kids than before. We can expect that there will be fewer and fewer junior high school graduates in the near future. At this moment, schools are facing big challenges. Because of that, the government operates a new policy. Students can receive twelve-year basic education with free admittance. The policy with free fee in senior high school education will have a great influence on educational environment. However, at the beginning of pushing the policy, parents will surely express their doubts about the school teaching effects, and they will have expectations about senior high school. All schools will do their best to attract students in order that students volunteer to study there. How they can improve their marketing effects is an important issue for schools. According to the motives above, the research goals are: 1.Examine how much students in Tainan know and accept about the marketing strategies of Chang-Jung Senior High School. 2.Make sure how much the marketing strategies of Chang-Jung Senior High School affect students’ intention of enrollment. 3.Give advice as a direction used for school manager to recruit students in the future. The research is based on a questionnaire. The interviewees are nine graders in Affiliated Junior High School of Chang-Jung Senior High School, who could enter senior high school without entrance examination. The questionnaire has 217 copies and 201 valuable copies have been collected. The validity percentage is 92.6%. The copies are analyzed with software SPSS 18. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, independent samples t test, and one-way ANOVA have been used. The conclusions are listed as bellow: 1.The recognization of product strategy has a positive and strongly influence on students’ intention of enrollment. 2.The recognization of place strategy has a positive influence on students’ intention of enrollment but the effect is not significant. 3.The recognization of promotion strategy has a positive influence on students’ intention of enrollment but the effect is not significant. 4.The recognization of price strategy has a positive influence on students’ intention of enrollment but the effect is very insignificant. 5.Of the four strategies above, students think the recognization of product strategy has the greatest influence. 6.The recognization of promotion marketing strategy has an obvious influence on students’ intention of enrollment between two different sexes. 7.The recognization of product, price, and place marketing strategy has an obvious different influence on students’ intention of enrollment among three different economic backgrounds. Through the suggestions above, school managers should pay more attention to the basic goal—create a good study environment and develop their unique style in order to face keen competition.




