  • 學位論文


The Effect of Industrial Concentration on Enterprise Social Responsibility

指導教授 : 李瓊映




This study examines that the effect of industrial concentration on enterprise social responsibility. The idea of industrial concentration affect by referring to Liu(2010) and extend to incorporate into the models on the effect of enterprise social responsibility. While several scholars examine the financial performance on enterprise social responsibility has been extensively investigated, but literatures considering the industrial concentration with incorporation of enterprise social responsibility is relatively little explored. However, whether this impact has the difference between the concentration and industry? In this study, the large-sized and medium-sized companies got the "Corporate Citizenship Award" during 2007 to 2011 by CommonWealth Magazine announced as samples analyzed and explored the financial performance effect of the different industrial concentration and enterprises which have CSR activities in the future. The empirical results findings that enterprises which have corporate citizenship award have significant positive impact for financial performance in the future, nevertheless, the higher the industrial concentrate degree, the financial performance affect is smaller positive. In addition, whether the winning companies put into CSR will affect its financial performance, the interesting findings that the winning companies put into higher CSR cannot more improve the financial performance.


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