  • 學位論文


The study on Fire-Protection Management for National Historical Temples from the viewpoint of Community-based Disaster Management

指導教授 : 邵珮君


台灣因歷史背景的發展與民間傳統信仰盛行,做為聚落信仰核心之廟宇文化更是豐富,是台灣特有之重要文化資產。香火鼎盛的廟宇著重於寺廟外觀華麗與神像華麗彩繪,並未考量寺廟本身建物的防火安全,因此本研究擬就寺廟古蹟火災預防與防火管理基本精神,探討傳統寺廟古蹟防火安全事項與相關消防設施之設置。運用社區居民問卷與專家訪談,找出影響寺廟古蹟對防火管理各種影響因素之關係。研究目的乃在於探討寺廟古蹟防火安全管理結合社區防災概念之可行機制。 寺廟古蹟往往坐落於都市社區中,因此如能將古蹟防火規劃與社區防災做結合,如此才有可能完全根除火災所帶來的各種寺廟古蹟文化資產的破壞。不僅僅是考慮內部防火管理問題,也要考量外部環境防火安全,由「點」的面向延伸擴展至「面」的方向探討管理。 居民問卷研究結果顯示,年齡、居住時間及教育程度,在社區防火安全及寺廟古蹟防火意識二大變項上有明顯的差異。46歲以上,居住時間長達16年以上的居民呈現較高的社區認同與參與。透過社區力量推動寺廟古蹟防火是被需要的;因此本研究認為,若要提高社區居民的參與程度,就必須加強組織間信任、居民人際網絡活動、鄰里間互動;提高居民對在地的情感,有助於改善居民對古蹟保存的態度與促進參與防火的意願。 寺廟古蹟防火結合社區防災概念,強調防災是由下而上的執行。本研究發現,硬體設備可加強自動火災警報器、輕型滅火器、感知器的充實,巷道狹窄消防車不易進入,室外水源為搶救重點,消防水帶箱需定期檢測水壓與人員教育訓練,強調水霧式滅火方式,針對重要文物規劃一套防火對策及文物放置場所,並做防火隔離。 軟體管理即強調防火組織成立,設立防火管理人,定期舉辦古蹟消防演練,針對災害搶救、文物救援與緊急避難等實地演練,確立古蹟防火體制。社區透過學習、計畫、演練操作等預防方法,在災害發生時,利用既有的資源發揮社區自救的能力,減少許多生命與文化財的損失。


Because of historical background and popular brief, temples usually become the core of a town. This is also important cultural treasures of Taiwan. Though temples have their gorgeous art, in order to keep the culture and art continuously, the safety management of historical temples becomes an important issue, especially when we mention the fire safety of temples. In this research, in order to verify the fire safety management in the historical temples, the relationship among residents of community, fire agency, and administrative organization of temple is discussed. What the purpose of this study is to find out the factors affecting fire prevention plan of traditional temples and to discuss the traditional temple-based fire safety management combining community-based disaster management. Historical temples are often located in urban communities. To integrate heritage-based fire-prevention planning with the community-based disaster management is possible to reduce fire risk. The fire management is considered not only internal fire safety, but also external one. It means that fire safety management needs to be viewed from "building" to "area". According to the result of the residential survey, we found that the age, years of living in community and education level shows marked correlation in the items of fire safety consciousness of community and fire prevention of historical temples. Residents who are over 46 years old and lived in the community over 16 years have higher identification with community activities. From this study, it is found that to strengthen organizational brief in community, residents’ network and exchanges of neighborhood would rise frequent of residents’ participation in public affairs of community; besides, to rise residents’ local affection would help changing the attitude to heritage reservation and promoting will of fire prevention. Temple fire safety management combines with community-based disaster management to emphasize on bottom-up implemental approach. From this study, we found that to fulfill hardware facilities and software management is necessary. To fulfill hardware facilities is including to equip fire alarm system, to lighten fire extinguisher, to emphasize water-mist firefighting system, to establish a stock for reserving historical relics and so on. On the other hand, to strengthen software management is including setting up firefighting organization of historical temple, to hold firefighting drill, to establish fire-prevention system and so on. Through two fire-safety strategies suggested above, to prepare mitigation energy and fire safety planning for historical temples in the future.


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