  • 學位論文

用網路服務整合工作流程 與企業資源規劃系統

The Integration of ERP and Workflow Management System with Web Services

指導教授 : 陳建勳


目前企業資源規劃系統已經普及於各公司行號,企業間的競爭也已延伸到與工作流程的整合,目的是為了提高企業的作業效率。雖然這樣整合的效益很顯著,但是中小型企業卻無法負擔客製化的費用,因此極需要一個開放原始碼(open source)的解決方案。本研究提出一個基於網路服務(web service)的開放原始碼方案,將企業的ERP系統與工作流程整合。透過網路服務的方式,系統可以容易的和異質資訊系統整合,滿足未來公司發展的需要,而開放原始碼的運用,則讓公司省下可觀的建置與維護費用。由於ERP內的流程眾多,因此本研究主要是以配銷模組為研究對象,若是在配銷模組中可以實證本研究想法的話,其餘的流程管理也將可以被套用。 首先,經由文獻探討與初步研究,我們歸納出配銷模組中有兩個主要子流程,分別是:訂單流程以及採購流程。後續我們利用ARIS方法論進行研究對象配銷模組的分析,透過ARIS的分析可以讓系統建置者更佳的了解配銷模組中的流程。並利用開放原始碼NuSoap設計與建置網路服務,透過本網路服務,使用者可以看到本服務的位置以及概要敘述,以利使用者使用本服務,最後,我們抓取workflow狀態資料放入流程管理資料庫,以顯示單據流程的狀態。 網路服務建置完成後,使用者呼叫本服務將可以即時性的把流程狀態資訊抓出並儲存在流程管理資料庫裡面,使用者進入系統頁面後,可以在工作流程看到目前ERP系統各流程單據的處理進度以及狀態。而透過工作流程管理系統中統計的功能,將可以彙整出所有出現過的單據資訊以供管理分析。


Currently, enterprise resource planning systems(ERP) has been popular in industries, but now the competition among enterprises has also been further extended to the integration of ERP and workflow management, with the aim to improve the operating efficiency of enterprises. While the benefit of such integration is very significant, small and medium enterprises cannot afford this kind of customized integration costs, and therefore requires an open source solutions. This study proposes an open source solutions based on web service to integrate ERP system and workflow management systems. By way of a web service the system can easily integrate heterogeneous information systems to meet the needs of future development of the company, and the use of open source allow the company to save a considerable investmant and maintenance costs. Since there are many processes within the ERP, which includes distribution modules, accounting systems, etc. Due to pages limitation, this study mainly focuses on the distribution module. If our proposed idea can be implemented on this module, so it can on the rest of other ERP modules. First, through literature review and preliminary study, we summarized the distribution module to have two main sub-processes, namely, the order process and procurement process. We conducted ARIS analysis of these processes so that we could had better understand of these processes. Then, we used NuSoap packages to design and implement web services so that users can use it to grape the status of ERP documents’ status and put it into workflow management system, and finally, the workflow system can display the ERP documents status. By using the web services, users will be able to call the service to grab document status information from ERP and store it in the workflow database. As soon as the users enter the workflow system, they can see the progress of the ERP documents. Along with the compiled statistics of the workflow system, the users can further analyze the efficiency of the ERP flows.


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