  • 學位論文


Applying Project Management Methodology in Solving Problems of Long-Term Care Service

指導教授 : 蘇俊憲


現今隨著科技的進步,現代人的壽命也隨之增高,但附帶著許多 疾病,如阿茲海默症、老人癡呆、癌症,而長期照護的需求也隨之增 多。就以目前長期照護而言,有許多人力資源不足、資源缺乏、成本 過高等問題會影響照護品質,如何在大環境下充分利用手邊資源、不 浪費資源是一大考驗。而專案管理是一套嚴謹完整的系統流程,可以 有效的管理資源,本研究目的為把專案管理方法用於長期照護中,使 得長期照護業者在資源缺乏的大環境下,管理上能達到有效能、有效 率的結果。研究結果顯示,專案管理方法確實可以在資源有限情形下 讓長期照護服務效能最佳化、效率最大化。


Because of technology advancement, life expectancy increases in modern times. However, illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cancer often come along as well, so as a consequence, the demand of long-term care (LTC) surges. Speaking of the current LTC service, its quality is often affected by issues such as manpower shortage, lack of resources, and high cost of service maintenance. Therefore, how to make good use of the resources at hand efficiently is of great challenge. Project management is a solid systematic procedure that can be adopted to manage resources. This study aims to apply project management methodologies to LTC, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of LTC management in this environment short of resources. As research results show, project management, with limited resources, can indeed take the efficacy and efficiency of LTC to a maximum.


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