  • 學位論文


The Assessment of Heritage Building Re-Use in University Campus

指導教授 : 邵佩君


古蹟再利用這個課題,近年來逐漸被政府、產業及及社會大眾所重視,並已有許多成功的再利用案例。而國內大部分座落於大學校園的古蹟,卻只是以普通的教學研究類校舍使用,其存在之能見度及文化意義,則幾乎蕩然無存。有鑑於此,本研究檢視了目前大學校園古蹟再利用之現況及彙整有關文獻,以模糊德爾菲法及ANP方法篩選出大學校園古蹟再利用之評估準則、次準則及使用類型方案。 經以分析網路程序(ANP)法計算分析結果,得知大學校園古蹟再 利用之評估準則權重值及優先順序為「安全便利」(0.406)>「人文歷史」(0.337)>「校園規劃」(0.250);次準則權重值及優先順序為「風格樣式」(0.241)>「耐震能力」(0.178)>「歷史故事」(0.132)>「消防設施」(0.123)>「生態景觀」(0.113)>「成長管理」(0.070)>「白蟻防治」(0.066)>「無障礙設施」(0.039+)>「都市互動」0.039-);使用類型方案權重值及優先順序為:表演集會類(0.225)>展示陳列類(0.212)>教學研究類(0.173)>用餐品茗類(0.147)>醫療保健類(0.126)>宿舍住宅類(0.118)。 本研究藉由對大學校園古蹟再利用多面向之評估結果,呈現出與現況使用之落差情形,期望能提供教育主管機關、古蹟主管機關及擁有古蹟建物之大學校院一個長遠的規劃方向。


The topic of historic building re-use is gradually emphasized by the government, industry and the public in recent years, and there are many successful re-use cases. Many historic buildings which located in the university campus are only used for teaching and research. Therefore, this study did literature review to grasp the real state of heritage buildings re-using in the university campus. In addition, Fuzzy Delphi method and ANP method are used to filter the criteria for assessing usage of heritage building in the university campus. The results show that the priority and weight value from assessing historic buildings re-use in the campus are: the safe and convenient (0.406) > cultural and historical(0.337) > campus planning(0.250); Sub-criteria weight values and priority are: the style type (0.241) > earthquake-resistant capacity(0.178) > story of heritage (0.132) > fire-fighting facilities(0.123)> ecological landscape (0.113)> growth management (0.070) > termite prevention (0.066) > facilities for the disabled (0.039 +) > urban interaction(0.039-). The weight values and priority of re-using styles are: performance and meeting (0.225)> exhibition (0.212)> teaching and research (0.173)> Dining (0.147)> healthcare (0.126) > the dormitory (0.118). The results of assessment pointed out that a gap between assessment results and current usage. The results of study could let the educational authorities, heritage building authorities and the manager of university consider proposing a long-term planning for historic building re-using of campus in the future.


陳華志(2005 )。藝文空間發展與都市再生:從臺北市空間再利用觀察。博物館學季刊。19(4),85-99。
