  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Airport Development on Local Economic Benefits and Environmental Costs – An Example of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

指導教授 : 盧曉櫻


一般民眾認為機場之建設所帶來之效益以負面居多,如機場之噪音問題、空氣污染問題、房屋禁限建及土地使用等,但實質上一個建設規劃良好的機場,甚至發展機場成為一個航空城,可以為地方及政府帶來可觀之經濟效益。本研究採用格林.勞力模式的概念並運用基礎經濟法來估算臺灣桃園國際機場之就業人數、乘數以及所帶來的經濟效益。而機場之經濟效益有三種分類:直接、間接及衍生經濟效益,其中間接及衍生的經濟效益也可合稱為次要影響。但因機場營運可產生多方面之效益,其中以帶動就業人口數之影響最為顯著,故本研究僅針對機場可產生之就業效益進行深入探討。   再者,隨著航空旅次成長,其所產生之環境污染問題,已漸為相關單位及社會大眾所重視,其中更以噪音與空氣污染問題最為嚴重。本研究也將航空器噪音與引擎污染物之外部成本量化以計算其社會成本,並以臺灣桃園國際機場為個案分析對象。   研究結果顯示在西元2006年臺灣桃園國際機場共可創造出46,834個就業機會及約新臺幣220億元的所得效果,其中22,382人為直接的就業機會其所得效果約為105億新臺幣。在環境成本方面,本研究分為引擎噪音與污染物兩種。在引擎噪音部分西元2006年臺灣桃園國際機場之總噪音社會成本為新臺幣5億5千萬元,而以第六類航空器(代表機型:B747-400)一個起降的社會成本最貴,為新臺幣12,662元;而在引擎污染物部分其總社會成本約為新臺幣61億元。在各種假設與研究條件之限制下,臺灣國際機場營運所帶來之經濟效益乃大於其噪音與空氣污染之環境成本。


With the growing trend of air traffic all around the region, one of the main issues facing an airport operator or government is how to measure the economic potential of an airport. Economic effects can be classified as direct, indirect, and induced impacts. The direct impact is the employee and income generated by the direct operation of an airport. Of all the various economic benefits that an airport may bring, the generation of employment has been proved to be the most significant one. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the evaluation of employment benefits, using Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport as a case study. The research uses Economic Base Analysis and Garin-Lowry Model’s conception to estimate the economic multiplier of an airport.   On the other hand, the aviation sector and related organizations have become ever more concerned with the environmental issues, in particular regarding aircraft noise and engine emissions. This thesis presents the mathematical models measuring the social costs of aircraft noise and engine emissions.   Based on various assumptions and constraints, the research results show that the economic benefits of the operations of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport are greater than the environmental costs of aircraft noise and engine emissions.


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