  • 學位論文

外包模式下軍機商維優質稽核流程之研究 -以教練直昇機為例

The high quality audit process of military plane maintenance base on outsourcing modle-training helicopter audit for example

指導教授 : 曾信超
共同指導教授 : 翁耀臨


陸軍為了確保軍機商維的品質與維持費支出控制,成立契約管理小組(稽核小組),專責外包廠商履約督導全般事宜,同時依據陸軍機隊補保運作流程及相關管理理論制定7類19種稽核表,由契管小組成員採取表格式模式化稽核,經歷無數次修訂,終於更加週延成熟,進而訂定軍機商維作業細則,從此邁向優質稽核流程之大道。 本研究以稽核表為核心,採取問卷方式對直接與間接接觸軍機商維的飛行補保人員與外包廠商人員實施親填問卷,然後運用SPSS實施統計分析,分析結果均符合研究目的,也提供了四個顯著貢獻。 在軍機商維稽核實務運作經驗上,已經累積了相當多的經驗數據,例如:因稽核節約了相當可觀的機操費及工料費;商維後因全力落實稽核工作,避免保修失誤率,維持每天可飛率達契約水準以上,亦即可維持高修護品質;因為優質稽核督促,持續維持高品質保修作業,三年來未發生重大機械因素飛地安全事件。這些實務上量化的綜效剛好與問卷SPSS分析結果相互正面呼應,表示當實施勞務外包,同時建立優質稽核流程是有其必要性與重要性。


In order to ensure the quality of the military airplane maintenance by commercial company and keep the expenditure control, The Contract Management Team (Audit Team) was set up by the Army , to handle all the things of the outsourcing . The members of CMT are according to the process of the Army logistics rules and the innovation theory concerning the management ,to establish 7 types 19 kinds audit sheet to provide audit, and experienced numerous revision. From now on, pass to the high quality process. This research centered the audit, and used the question way to contact the staffs ,maintenance soldiers ,aviators and members of the outsourcing company , and then utilize the SPSS to enforce the statistics analysis, the result of all fit the research goal, and provide four distinct contribution. On the outsourcing experience of the military airplane maintenance by commercial company , it has much experience data already, such as: the audit saved lots of manpower costs and operational maintain costs. During the period of outsoursing maintenance , go all out to accomplish audit works, to avoid maintenance mistake percentage, keeping available flying percentage every day. Because of the high quality audit pressing, keep controlling high quality maintenance, it hasn’t caused any flying accident by machine. This accord with the question paper express of the outsourcing, establishing high quality audit process is importance and necessity.


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