  • 學位論文


Analysis and Degradation of Odor Compounds from Industry Park

指導教授 : 凌永健


本研究針對工業區之氣味化合物建立分析及降解技術,內容如下:(1)熱脫 附氣相層析質譜儀(Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, TD/GC-MS)分析方法。(2)氣味擴散評估方法。(3)光觸媒降解方法。(4)熱脫附氣 相層析質譜儀/聞嗅裝置(TD/GC-MS/Olfactometry)同步官能測定方法。 TD/GC-MS系統經系統污染等評估並改善後,應用在工業區之有機揮發物 (Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)檢測,可檢測出ppbv等級之揮發性有機溶 劑,即使待測物非所預定之標準化合物,仍然可經由質譜鑑定及層析管柱滯留 時間進行定性,相當有利於應用在工業區之惡臭污染案件。 利用ISCST3(Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3)及AUSPLUME大氣擴散 模式結合風速聯合頻率函數,模擬出等濃度圖及等頻率圖,可以有效歸納出歷 年之惡臭污染的範圍、濃度、頻率及機率。可應用於一般環境影響評估,抑或 配合即時氣象,機動調整除污設備之參數,達到預防和控制惡臭污染的目的。 光觸媒降解系統,應用在Toluene、Chlorobenzene、n-BA、n-Butanol污染物 之降解,UV光至少需400μW/cm2及光觸媒披覆量0.63 mg/cm2,降解不完全之產 物為Methy Formate、Propanal、Acetone、Butanal、MEK、n-Heptane、i-Heptane、 n-Hexane、i-Hexane、n-Pentane,O2的存在與否影響甚巨。 TD-GC-MS/Olfactometry同步進行化學定性及嗅覺感官判定,測得之氣味閾 值與一般靜態稀釋法差距為32倍~316倍。以香水分析為例,經氣相層析分離、 質譜儀定性、聞嗅裝置感官判定,可達到同時進行化學分析和判定氣味的目標。


This study describes the analysis and degradation of odor compounds from industrial park. This approach includes (1) development of a method including adsorption of VOCs onto a sorbent followed by thermal desorption pre-concentration and gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometry quantification and qualitation, (2) development of odor dispersion model suiting for the prediction of ambient odor concentrations and dispersion, (3) developed of using photocatalytic to destruct VOCs, (4) developed of GC-MS thermal desorption system with simultaneous olfactometry for determination of odor compound. After contamination was modified from TD/GC-MS, industrial and urban air sampling were analyzed. The identification of organic compounds by GC/MS is useful in un-target compound by retention time and mass spectrum. It’s good for applicable to analyze odor compound from industrial park. The ISC and AUSPLUME with wind velocity meteorological combined frequency is used to establish a simulation model for odor pollutant ambit, intensity, frequency and probability. The odor Dispersion modeling can be applicable to environmental impact statement and adjust air pollution control device to prevent and control the odor pollution. The photocatalytic degradation of Toluene, Chlorobenzene, n-BA, n-Butanol was studied in a photoreactor with TiO2. In the absence of O2, gaseous imtermediates including Methy Formate, Propanal, Acetone, Butanal, MEK, n-Heptane, i-Heptane, n-Hexane, i-Hexane, n-Pentane were be detected by GC/MS. The odor threshold of TD-GC-MS/Olfactometry system is 32~316 times in distance from the static olfactometry (triangle odor bad method). In the case of perfume, the odor compounds were separated by GC coupled to a mass spectrometry and Olfactometry that combine chemical and sensory analysis.


odor GC-MS AUSPLUME VOCs photocatalytic odor threshold


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