  • 學位論文


Dynamic Scripting Control Scheme on Wireless Sensor Network

指導教授 : 周百祥


無線感測器網路是由許多微小的與資源受限的感測器組成,它們被佈置用來觀察環境或特定的現象,在無線感測器網路的研究領域中,已經有許多研究關於動態控制網路被提出,但是它們大多有所限制,而沒有辦法適用於一些常見的感測器硬體上。 我們在這篇論文當中,提出一種利用腳本為基礎的方法,動態地控制無線感測器網路,我們主要是依照Rappit[1]的架構,來分配各個元件的工作,將負擔較重的工作,分配給資源充足的使用者電腦端來執行,相對地,負擔較輕的工作,則是留給資源缺乏的感測器端來執行。 在使用者電腦端的部分,包含使用者介面元件、直譯元件、記憶體管理元件、序列埠元件、和二進位檔處理元件,這些元件是利用python和C語言來寫,而在感測器端,我們是利用Threaded Code[2]的技術,實作一個直譯器,來執行使用者所寫的腳本程式,此外,我們也注意到無線感測器網路中,常見的封包遺失的情況,於是,在我們的系統當中,納入可靠性的傳輸機制,來處理封包遺失的問題。 我們實作我們的系統在一個資源尤其受限的感測器(Eco[3])上,而我們的系統是用標準C語言寫成,系統核心部分小於3KB,我們也示範如何依照我們所定義的語法來寫常見的無線感測器網路的應用程式,並利用這些應用程式來實驗與評估我們的系統效能。


Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) are composed of many tiny, resource-constrained nodes. They are deployed under a specific circumstance to observe a physical phenomenon. Many works have been proposed before to solve the dynamic controlling problem inWSN, but they may suffer from some flaws, one of which is the inability to fit in some severely resource-constrained hardware platforms. In this work, we present a scripting method to control a WSN dynamically. We follow the Rappit [1] framework and leave most of the processing executing on the host computer. On the sensor node end, we implement an interpreter by the use of threaded code [2]. We also provide a reliable packet communication mechanism to handle the packet loss problem, which is prevalent in WSN. We implement our system on the Eco [3] nodes, and the system is written in C language. The size of system core is less than 3KB. We also show how to write the applications according to our language syntax and execute these applications on the Eco nodes. Finally, we discuss the directions for future works.


WSN sensor sensor network wireless network


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