  • 學位論文


The Competitive Strategy and Business Model of the Catering Industry:Taking Firm A as an Example

指導教授 : 余士迪


餐飲業日趨激烈的競爭之下,餐飲業不僅需要新菜色、新創意,也必須要有新的商業模式與競爭策略。餐飲業進入門檻低,很多初創者選擇餐飲創業,認為餐飲業好做,能立即賺到錢,門檻低,容易操作,有現金流,對技術要求不高,但是創業後面臨的問題也很多,成長的速度緩慢,例如門檻低競爭者眾,勞力密集,環保意識的抬頭,物價、房租不斷上漲,員工流動率偏高,管理難度極高。 本研究貢獻在於透過個案分析研究繪製出商業模式九宮格,以個案公司不足之處設計出問卷調查產出數據,再使用順序性迴歸分析法得出結果,修正符合A公司的商業模式九宮格,使A公司在新的商業模式與競爭策略下,了解消費者需求、痛點、猶豫、喜愛,以便往後做後續的分析與產品的調整。綜上,本研究建議A公司經營團隊納入考量以下因素:了解顧客需求、創造顧客價值、鎖定目標顧客,實現顧客價值最大化,使A公司持續獲利。


餐飲業 競爭策略 商業模式


With the increasingly fierce competition in the catering industry, firms in the catering industry require to develop new dishes, new ideas, new business models and competitive strategies. The catering industry’s entry barrier is low and therefore many start-ups choose to start a business in catering industry, believing it is easy to do and make quick money with low entry barrier, easy operation, much cash flow, and low technical requirements. However, problems emerge when they enter the stage after starting a business. There are many problems ranging from slow growth rates, such as competitors rushing in due to the low entry barrier, labor intensive, rising environmental awareness, rising prices and rents, high employee turnover, and extremely high management fragility. The research contribution lies in generating the business model canvas based on the operation improvement process of the case firm. In specific, the study designs the survey questionnaire according to the shortcomings of the case company, and correspondingly, the study uses the sequential regression analysis method to modify the business model canvas for the case firm A. Therefore, with the newly improved business model canvas, firm A may enhance the understanding of consumer needs, pain points, hesitations, and favorites so that firm A may constantly and dynamically analyzes and adjusts the business operation. In summary, this research suggests that the management team of firm A should further consider (a) the understanding of customer needs; (b) the way of creating customer value; (c) the way of locking in target customers; to maximize customers’ value and thereby gaining sustainable competition advantages.


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