  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legal Regime to Promote Renewable Electricity - Focusing on Finance Mechanisms

指導教授 : 高銘志


為因應全球暖化危機,對抗氣候變遷所帶來的影響,世界各國於近十餘年間,採取各種優惠獎勵措施,推動再生能源的發展。於2010年,國際能源總署提出藍色情境,若欲在2050年達到減量50%溫室氣體的目標,有賴四項能源技術,分別為提升能源使用效率、再生能源、核能發電以及碳捕集與封存技術。其中再生能源減碳貢獻高達21%,可見再生能源發展的重要性不容忽視。 本研究首先以國際能源總署在Renewable Energy-Market and Policy Trends in IEA countries報告作出發,介紹近年世界主要國家運用在再生能源發展的政策工具,除了運用資本補貼、饋網電價制度、再生能源強制標準配比、租稅減免優惠外,還有近年日益重要的融資制度。其次,希望藉由整理世界主要國家在這十餘年來用於發展再生能源的融資制度,歸納出對發展再生能源有益的啟發。 本研究發現多數外國國家在發展再生能源時除了使用補貼措施、FIT制度、RPS外,還搭配低利貸款、信用保證等融資制度,使企業獲得充裕的資金調度。反觀我國只著重在補貼與FIT制度及相關競標制度,對於其他融資制度例如信用保證等措施未有著墨,使有心發展再生能源的企業,在設立初期往往因為資金籌措的困難而夭折。 因此,本研究希望藉由學習外國立法例的成功經驗,檢視我國制度的不足之處,就台灣目前發展再生能源的措施提出些許意見,提供台灣未來相關能源立法與執行措施一個效法的方向。


In keeping with global warming crisis and alleviating climate change impact, the countries of the world applied various favorable instruments to promote the development of renewable energy during the last decade. In 2010, International Energy Agency (IEA) proposed the Blue Map Scenario indicating that those who intend to achieve the goal of diminishing 50% volume of greenhouse gas emission before 2050, four energy technologies must be focused. They are: uplifting electricity efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage. Among them, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction contributed 21% of the total outcome. It is obvious that the importance of the development of renewable energy cannot be ignored. Starting with the report of Renewable Energy-Market and Policy Trends in IEA countries made by IEA, this study introduced the policy instruments of renewal energy applied by major countries worldwide. Apart from the application of capital grants, Fit in Tariff, Renewable Portfolio Standard and tax credits, the study also focused on third-party finance, which has become more and more important since the last decade. Furthermore, it is hoped that this study can summarize significant inspirations from the development of renewable energy by reviewing the finance mechanisms applied by major countries worldwide since the last decade. Also found in this study is that in addition to subsidy, FIT and RPS, a majority of foreign countries applied financial mechanism; such as, low-interest loan and loan guarantee, etc.; to enable enterprises to acquire sufficient fund procurement. By contrast, our government focused on subsidy, FIT and bidding systems only regardless of other procurement; such as loan guarantee. And thus make those enterprises that intend to develop renewable energy ended prematurely because of the difficulties of fund raising during the early stage of their establishments. Hence, it is hoped that this study may inspect the shortcomings of the mechanism in our country by referring to successful experiences of foreign legislative examples with an aim to proposing some opinions on the measures of developing renewable energy in Taiwan nowadays and offering a direction to the promulgations and executions regarding relevant renewable energy to follow in Taiwan in the future.


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