  • 學位論文

領導者情緒領導行為對員工建言行為之影響:以心理擁有感為中介效果、工作幸福感為 調節效果

The Effect of Leader’s Emotional Leading Behaviors on Voice Behaviors:The Mediating Effect of Psychological Ownership and Moderating Effect of Work Well-Being

指導教授 : 江旭新


領導者的情緒和行為會影響組織成員的情緒、行為和態度。政府部門內領導者的領導風格影響著員工的態度和行為,進而影響到政府組織的整體績效和競爭力。然而,從過去相關文獻發現,顯少研究探討政府部門情緒領導、心理擁有感、建言行為及工作幸福感之間的關係,因此,本研究藉由此研究缺口探討各變項之間的跨層次關係。 本研究以新竹縣政府所屬機關之正式公務人員為研究對象,藉此瞭解政府部門首長情緒領導模式對公務人員心理擁有感及建言行為之影響,並採用跨層次分析方法(Hierarchical Linear Modeling)驗證情緒領導、建言行為、心理擁有感及工作幸福感之關係。共發放問卷725分,回收問卷為574份,回收率79.17 %,其中有效問卷為466份,有效回收率64.28%。分析結果發現:1.情緒領導與心理擁有感之間有正向影響關係;2.情緒領導與建言行為之間有正向影響關係;3.心理擁有感與建言行為之間有正向影響關係;4.心理擁有感在情緒領導與建言行為之間具有中介效果;5.工作幸福感在心理擁有感與建言行為之間具有調節效果。 本研究意涵為:1.政府部門的主管可以藉由正向情緒領導方式領導部屬,提升部屬的態度行為;亦可藉由營造部屬的心理擁有感,來強化部屬的態度行為。2.心理擁有感與工作幸福感會使員工展現建言行為。3.心理擁有感在情緒領導和建言行為之間扮演中介角色。4.正向工作幸福感可強化員工心理擁有感和建言行為之間的關聯。5.負向工作幸福感可弱化員工心理擁有感和建言行為之間的關聯。本研究希望藉此研究結果提供建議、研究意涵與研究限制,並作為未來研究之參考。


Leaders’ emotions and behaviors affect emotions, behaviors and attitudes of organizational members. The leadership style of leaders in government departments affects attitudes and behaviors of employees, thus influencing overall performance and competitiveness of government organizations. However, in the past literatures, few researchers explored relationships among leader’s emotional leading behaviors, psychological ownership, voice behaviors and work well-being in government departments. Therefore, this study investigates the multilevel relationship between variables according to the research gap. This study collects date from formal civil servants of organizations in Hsinchu County Government in order to understand the effects of government leaders' emotional leading behaviors on civil servants’ psychological ownership and voice behaviors. Therefore, Hierarchical Linear Modeling was utilized to examine the relationships among emotional leading behaviors, psychological ownership, voice behaviors and work well-being. A total of 725 questionnaires were distributed and 574 were collected. The response rate was 79.17%. Among them, 466 questionnaires are valid and the valid response rate is 64.28%. The analytical results show that: 1. There is a positive relationship between emotional leading behaviors and psychological ownership; 2. Emotional leading behaviors affects voice behaviors positively; 3. There is a positive relationship between psychological ownership and voice behaviors; 4. Psychological ownership mediates the relationship between emotional leading behaviors and voice behaviors; 5. Work well-being moderates the relationship between psychological ownership and voice behaviors. The implication of this study includes: 1. The leaders of the government department can improve subordinates’ attitudes and behaviors by positive emotional leadership, and strengthen subordinates’ attitudes and behaviors through psychological ownership. 2. Psychological ownership and work well-being will make employees show their voice behaviors. 3. Emotional leading behaviors make employees show voice behaviors through psychological ownership. 4. Positive work well-being can strengthen the relationship between psychological ownership and voice behaviors. 5. Negative work well-being can weaken the relationship between psychological ownership and voice behaviors. According to the results, this study discusses conclusion, suggestion, implication, limitation and future studies.


