  • 學位論文

日治初期報刊諧謔敘事研究 -以《漢文台灣日日新報》為中心

Research of Humoristic and Bantering Narrative during Early Japanese Colonial Period ─ Focusing on“Taiwan Daily News Chinese Edition”

指導教授 : 王惠珍


《漢文台灣日日新報》諧謔敘事穿梭在嚴肅莊重的國策之間是報刊一直接續不輟的編輯調性。本研究選定《漢文台灣日日新報》諧謔敘事作為研究材料,考察在言論空間受到控制的日治初期,被殖民者、殖民者與殖民社會三者融攝而成的報刊場域中,面對文明肇始、政局改弦易轍,訴求啟蒙性/進步性殖民霸權的大纛大舉進逼時官報諧謔敘事中所呈現肆應的細緻樣貌。 本研究認為:報刊笑話所呈現的中國,「時間感」與「地理感」都十分淡薄 ,以「古老清國/現代支那」的展示,對讀者進行國族想像的曉諭與再強調。藉著「仿擬」、「戲古」的寫作策略創造經典與笑話之間異調的雜音。「孔孟」降格的戲擬疊構出時人對於儒學/實學道德範式移轉的想像,也彰顯殖民者對於儒學文化中心追求的企圖。 諧謔敘事中眾生群像與對於世態民情的諷諫,雖然多所呈現文人對於國家政策的服膺/接受,但得仍幽隱顯現傳統文人在被殖民者的位置上與殖民國策的斡旋/協商的力道。在看似「無有所害」的笑聲之下,報紙以追求詼諧奇趣的編輯策略達致商業需求,傳統文人也得以藉此言說與殖民國策齟齬的「本音」,並在不涉及政治情勢「本體不雅」的荒唐滑稽中,以「狂歡式話語」營造出非官方公共場域。


Humoristic and Bantering Narrative, a tone ceaselessly found in official newspapers, is always woven into solemn national policies in“ Taiwan Daily News Chinese Edition”. This research chooses Humoristic and Bantering Narrative from “Taiwan Daily News Chinese Edition” as language data and aims to probe into how traditional Taiwanese literati express themselves in official newspapers, which are complicated with the colonized, the colonists, and the colonial society, during the early Japanese Colonial Period, a period without freedom of speech, when colonial hegemony overwhelms the society while civilization is germinating and the political situation is changing. This thesis has drawn some interesting conclusions as follows. First, humors in newspapers reflect a China with weak sense of time and geography, proclaiming and reemphasizing national identity to readers by contrasting Ancient China with Modern cīna. Second, the methods of simulation used in these narratives create a complexity of combining classics and jokes in the same articles. Third, the parody in Confucius and Mencius piles up those people’s imaginations of shift between Confucianism and practicality, and it also highlights colonists’ chase after Confucianism. The sarcasms in stories of all walks of life found in humoristic and bantering narratives represent literati’s surrender to national policies, while they also reveal the fact that traditional literati, the colonized, were negotiating with colonists about policies. Only by uttering some seemingly harmless humorous words could contemporary literati express how rude colonial policies are. Through sarcasms free from political situations, literati build an unofficial corner where pain from suffocating practice of colonism could be relieved.


18.黃克武,〈新名詞之戰:清末嚴復譯語與和製漢語的競賽〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》第62期(2008.12),頁 1-42。
