  • 學位論文

九七後香港城市圖像 ──以韓麗珠、謝曉虹、李維怡小說為研究對象

The City Images of Hong Kong after 1997- with the Research of Hon Lai-Chu's, Tse Hiu-hung's, and Lee Wai-Yee's Novel

指導教授 : 楊佳嫻


香港,一直以來被視為現代城市的代稱詞,以其特有的殖民經驗,揉雜各種勢力角力,薈萃多元文化特色;又在移民社會的謀生考量,以及殖民地關注經濟現實的心理影響下,形成重商性格,香港記憶與城市特質息息相關,文學也常以城市經驗為主要視域。各個時期的香港文學,與繁華多變的城市氛圍,以及敏感曖昧的政治情勢,激盪出不同的火花。 於當代香港文學影響重大、攸關全港人命運的,莫過於「九七回歸」──這段歷史溯及1898年,英國向清政府「租借」香港九十九年,埋下1997年香港由「英國殖民地」回歸到「中國城市」的爭議。1970年代西西《我城》提出香港「沒有國籍,只有城籍」的身分,奠定文學傳統;1990年代許子東以「失城文學」概括九七前夕香港人意識到自身城市主體即將消失的危機感,創作圍繞身分記憶等課題。 回歸之後,香港經歷文化、政治、權力版圖的重組,社會變貌影響文學,開展出不同過往的城市圖像,本研究選取韓麗珠、謝曉虹、李維怡1997-2015年間出版的小說,觀照文學如何與社會變貌互動,書寫城市香港,以「空間」及「壓迫」切入,探討空間資源配置如何助長壓迫,壓迫又如何反向影響空間界線,形塑小說中的城市圖像;而按現有歸類,韓麗珠、謝曉虹的「城市異化」,與李維怡的「社會紀實」分別為香港文學跨越九七後的重要轉向,本研究並置討論,理解此二轉向於「九七後」文學版圖的意義。


Hong Kong, having been a representative of modern city, mingles its unique colonial experiences with a variety of forces and strengths to assemble a multicultural characteristic, and developes a mercantile disposition under the economic pressusre in a immigration society and the influences of colony’s attention to its economy. Therefore, “Hong Kong memory” is closely linked to its characteristics. Also, Hong Kong literature is mainly based on its city experiences. The Hong Kong literature in different period, combining with its changeful city atmosphere and sensitive political situation, brings out different perspectives. What is bound with Hong Kong people, and also influences contemporary Hong Kong literature the most is “the transfer of sovereignty (1997),” also known as “the Handover” from the United Kingdom to the People’s Republic of China. This can dates back to 1898, when Hong Kong had been leased to the UK for 99 years, and thus, causes debates when it was returned to China in 1997. The novel My City(1979), written by Hong Kong writer Xixi, mentioned that “Imagine there’s no country, above us is only our cities,” which established the tradition of Hong Kong literature. On the other hand, in 1990s, Xu Zi-Dong proposed the concept of “lossing the city,” in which dipicts the sense of crisis when the Hong Kong people awared that the subjectivity of their own city may no longer exist after the Handover. His composition centered on identity, memory, and so on. After the Handover, Hong Kong has been through the recombination of culture, and politic power. The change of the scociety influences the literature, and a whole new city imagery emerges. This paper has selected modern authors Hon Lai-Chu, Tse Hiu-Hung, Lee Wai-Yee and their published works from 1997 to 2015 as the research subject to observe how the novels depicts the change of Hong Kong society. Focusing on “space” and “oppression,” this paper discusses how the allocation of space resources fosters the oppression, how the oppression affects back to the space boundaries, and then the city imagery in the novels are created. The urban alienation suggested by Hon Lai-Chu and Tse Hiu-Hung, and the social documentation in Lee Wai-Yee’s works are respectively the two important transition in Hong Kong literature after the Handover. This research investigates how the two transitions make differences to the Hong Kong literature after 1997.


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