  • 學位論文


The Regulatory Reform of The Power Radio Frequency Equipment.

指導教授 : 彭心儀


本文以低功率射頻器材之管制革新為題,旨在探討現行管制措施是否有修正之必要。隨著物聯網概念的實現,以低功率為主的各類射頻器材將更普及於人們生活中,而現階段無線電頻率仍存在有干擾的問題,目前我國政府基於維護電波秩序、保障國家安全等理由,仍對利用無線電技術的射頻器材,以法規與技術規範等進行進入市場前之管制,但不乏有來自各界之改革聲浪,認為部分產品風險較低應解除管制等。   綜觀我國射頻器材管制之相關規範,電信法架構下按功率、器材類別有所不同,由電信管制射頻器材管理辦法等,共五部法規所建構而成,又該等法規為WTO架構下TBT協定之技術性法規及符合性評鑑程序,有對國際貿易造成非關稅貿易障礙之可能,WTO要求各會員國必須遵守GATT,與TBT協定第2條以下有關不歧視原則規定,以貫徹WTO自由、公平貿易之精神。   近年來,低功率射頻器材爭議案例層出不窮,管制法規以及監理執行層面如何調整顯得格外重要。世界各國關於射頻器材之管制規範,固然有諸多不同,而唯一相同的是,近年來各國為了國際經貿發展遂行,以及因應科技演進的迅速發展,包括歐盟、美國與日本等先進國家均有所調整。本文認為,我國應參考其他國家,重新審視現行法規與符合性評鑑程序,建立明確管制分級、後市場稽查制度,確保自由貿易與避免管制失靈。


The subject of this thesis is “The Regulatory Reform of The Low Power Radio Frequency Equipment” and the purpose of the study was to research whether the existing regulatory was necessary to be amended. With the realization of the concept of IOT (Internet of Things), there will be various kinds of radio frequency equipment in human life. At the present stage, there still exist the problems of interference. Our government still regulate radio frequency equipment with radio technology before it enters the market which is based on the order of electric waves, national security, etc. However, there are many scholars think some of low-risk products should be deregulated.   According to the categories of equipment, the government legislates five regulations which is based on the concept of Telecommunications Act. Those regulations comply with technical regulations and the conformity assessment under the framework of the WTO TBT Agreement. It causes the non-tariff barriers to international trade. Member states of the WTO should comply with the GATT for non-discrimination and the related regulations under article 2 of the TBT agreement to implement the spirit of freedom and fair trade.   In recent years, the dispute cases of the low power radio frequency equipment occurred often in Taiwan. How to revise the regulations and supervise the execution of them have given more attention to the world. Although there are many different regulations among nations, we can see that developed countries such as European Union, America, and Japan have revised their regulations to enhance international economic development and react the rapid evolution of technology. This article represents that our country should review the existing regulations and conformity assessment, establish a clear regulatory classification, after market surveillance system to protect free trade and avoid regulation failure.


「參加美國 TCB Council 研討會及 FCC 認可實驗室認證作法調整說明」,財團法人全球認證基金會,http://www.taftw.org.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=959&ctNode=386&mp=1,(最後瀏覽日期:2016/3/28)
