  • 學位論文


Legislation Regulating Surrogacy in China

指導教授 : 林昀嫺


人工輔助生殖技術是一把雙刃劍,在造福人類的同時也接受著道德、法律和倫理的考驗。代孕輔助生育作為人工生殖技術的一種,在為不孕夫妻實現求子夙願的同時,也因與自然生殖大相徑庭,給社會倫理秩序方面帶來巨大沖擊而引發激烈的討論。中國大陸並無健全的法律規範代孕技術,面對代孕市場的混亂無序及日益見長的代孕需求量,本文認為對中國大陸代孕問題的深入研究有重大的現實意義。 代孕是指無法利用子宮自行懷孕的女性,借用另一個女性的子宮妊娠為自己生育子女的行為。學界以及世界各國的立法對代孕的態度存在支持與反對的相對立觀點,總體上來看,英美法系國家多持肯定態度,而大陸法系國家則多採取否定態度。中國在代孕問題上相對保守,代孕行為目前被完全禁止。盡管如此,隨著中國經濟的發展、科技的進步和人們觀念的變化,地下代孕行為屢禁不止並呈現供需兩旺的現象。代孕仲介機構順勢而為將代孕廣告及各類代孕價位發布在互聯網上,為人們輕易獲取代孕信息提供了便利。而欲管制代孕的執法機關因為中國並無明確禁止代孕的法律,最終也只能以簡單的罰款處罰代孕仲介,妄論問題能得到根本的解決。 中國目前對於代孕技術全盤禁止的態度既不能阻止代孕現象的發生,也因無立法規範而不利於保護代孕當事人,尤其是代孕中弱勢方的法律權益。地下代孕產業濫用代孕技術所導致的社會問題漸出端倪,並在發展中逐漸形成了惡性循環,利用法律手段來約束中國的代孕行為已經迫在眉睫。 本文將探討中國在立法中對代孕應持的態度,從理論和現實雙重視角闡釋有限開放代孕這一立法趨勢,分析開放代孕的法理依據和必要性,借鑒有關國家和地區的代孕立法經驗,梳理中國在開放代孕中的相關法律問題,規範代孕行為合法化的途徑,構建相對完善的代孕法律制度,促進中國代孕技術的合理應用以滿足不孕夫妻的基本權利。


代孕 完全代孕 代孕母 立法建构


Human assisted reproductive technology is a double-edged sword, in benefit mankind while, also affected by the moral, legal and ethical challenges. As one kind of artificial reproductive technology, surrogacy arrangements help infertility couples to have babies; it also brings great impact on social and ethical order because of the huge difference of reproduction. The lucubration of surrogacy arrangements have practical significance: facing the disorder yet increasing demands of surrogacy market. Surrogate is a way of human assisted reproduction, refers to the infertile wife borrowing another woman’s uterine for pregnancy. The academia holds distinct viewpoints of surrogacy, different countries also have different attitudes towards surrogacy. In general, the Anglo-American jurisdictions tend to have positive attitude, while the Civil Law jurisdictions tend to have negative attitude, such as China. As the economy developed、the technology progressed and new ideas changed, the phenomenon of supply and demand in surrogate is prosperous. Through all sorts of networking, a few illegal surrogate institutes make all kinds of surrogate ads and price released in websites, people are provided with information about access to surrogate. Surrogate institutes are also able to obtain illegal profits, law enforcement agencies are even aware of these illegal facts, but due to lack of legal measures, these problems cannot get efficient solution. The absence and prohibition of legislation cannot curb this phenomenon nor protect parties involved, especially not favorable for the legal rights of women. The indifference of the country to the issue of surrogacy makes the social problems worse and has formed a vicious circle through development. The solving of this problem requires the continuous improvement of China’s legal system. It is high time to use legal means to regulate surrogacy. This article is based on China's national conditions, makes clear the defects of the surrogacy legislation and analyzes the law and the necessity of regulating surrogacy. Construct the complete legal system of surrogacy through the study of foreign law on surrogacy and drawing on the experiences of other countries, and promote the rational use of assisted reproductive technologies. Law makers in China should cautiously open full surrogacy, making it legitimate under conditions, in order to realize the effective control and using of surrogacy reasonably.


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