  • 學位論文


The Study of Legal Regulation of IPTV

指導教授 : 翁曉玲


由於網際網路與數位科技的快速發展,數位匯流已經成為通訊傳播產業發展的主要潮流。數位匯流在技術上代表著不同數位產品間的功能整合;在產業面則象徵著不同通訊傳播產業間的整合。就管制面而言,數位匯流顛覆了原本以傳輸技術為區分基礎的通訊管制體制,並引發論者關於多媒體事業濫用市場力的疑慮。為因應數位匯流後,通訊傳播產業結構與服務內容之轉型,我國國家通訊傳播委員會特提出《通訊傳播管理法》草案,以因應數位匯流的挑戰。 IPTV (Internet Protocol TV)是利用寬頻網路將節目內容以IP 封包方式傳輸的一種多媒體的電視服務型態。不同於傳統的定時、單向廣播電視消費模式,IPTV使人們可以在任何時間、任何地點,選擇觀看喜歡的電視節目,實現媒體提供者和媒體消費者之間的實質性的互動。IPTV應用能有效地將電視、通信和PC三個領域結合在一起。正如行動電話解放了在使用電話通信時空間對人們的限制一樣,新興的網路電視(IPTV)解放了在觀賞電視節目時播放時間對人們的限制。IPTV服務結合了電信網、廣播網及網際網路等三大領域,可說是三網合一(triple play)的極致運用,創造了異業間緊密不可分的新關係與新商機。 本研究將以網路電視(IPTV)作為研究對象,分析在全球化、數位化及媒體匯流趨勢下,國家如何重新界定網路電視,佐以美、日、韓之法制基礎環境建設、相關法令遵循的情形及近來法制發展之重點加以研究比較,以釐清網路電視之所有權限制、費率審議、內容管制、個人資訊隱私和網路著作權保護等相關問題,並提出具體法律建議。期待在了解網路電視技術之研發與可能產生的新興市場模式,並透過對美亞諸國立法趨勢之研究關注,以作為我國在推動國內網路電視法制環境的政策規劃與法律調整時之參考資料。


With the advancement of the Internet and digital technologies, digital convergence has become a significant trend in the communications industry. In terms of technology, digital convergence means the integration between different digital products; it also symbolizes the vertical integration between different communications industries. Nonetheless, digital convergence has brought rigorous challenges to the existing regulatory framework, which divides up the landscape based on traditional services and technologies. Moreover, such convergence may enable businesses to further leverage their market power to neighboring markets, and, thus, lead to antitrust concerns. In order to cope with regulatory issues with regard to digital convergence, the National Communications Commission (NCC) just enacted the draft of Communications Management Law. IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) is a type of multimedia TV service that transmits programs as IP package via the broadband Network. Contrary to the consuming type of traditional TV and broadcast, IPTV enables people to choose the TV programs they like at any time and any places, realizing the actual interaction between media-provider and media-consumer. With the application of IPTV, it is more efficient to combine TV, Communication and PC realms together. Just as the mobile phone facilitate our communication life and release the restriction of time and places, the newly-developed IPTV service free us from the restriction of the TV schedule. Combined with the three major realms, TV, Communication and Internet, IPTV service can be depicted as a triple play application and creates new relationships and markets for different industries. This paper inquires a critical problem during convergence of telecommunication and cables industry—the governance framework of broadband infrastructure. This paper analyzes Taiwan’s policy on Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and laws and regulation that combine Cable Broadband TV Law, Copyright Law and Telecommunications Law. Besides, this paper plans to compare Internet Protocol TV and cable TV development in Taiwan, accompanying with relevant rules and regulations from United States, Japan and Korea’s current policies and regulations, and hopes to propose certain suggestions on the draft of Communications Management Law.


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