  • 學位論文

住宅商品責任爭議問題研究 ---以消費者保護為中心

The Dispute of The House Product Liabilities:Aiming at Consumer Right

指導教授 : 范建得


本文以保護自住或住辦兩用為目的之買受人為目的,此等買受人不管是在經 濟、資訊及專業知識方面,其地位均不如建商(出賣人)。因此,本文站在保護 弱勢買受人之立場下,研究法院判決與建築住宅交易實務問題,評析住建築住宅 常見之物之瑕疵種類,購屋人應如何面對建商或購屋人自己解除買賣契約之法律 問題,買方應如何依循相關法律,主張物之瑕疵擔保責任,或主張其他權利之參 考,就是探討建商對購屋消費者應負的法律責任,減少買賣糾紛,期待建議未來 改進制度或修法方向。從建築法、民法及消費者保護法審視並整理法院判決,期 望能對購屋人瞭解法院實務見解趨勢,確保購屋人權益,期疏減訟源。 本文除第二章及第三章,以法院判決及理論交互分析外,以整理法院判決之 實務見解為論述內容。研究方法採案例分析法,擷取建築住宅案例之相關司法判 決適用法令結果,分析預售屋買賣過程中之實務見解。建築住宅商品糾紛最多的 是預售屋,第四章以預售屋買賣交易過程之時間序整理法院案例,進入預售屋買 賣契約之實務爭議,第四章及第五章說明預售屋買賣常見之履約糾紛,第四章從 締約前置、締約、履約、交屋驗收等四個階段,依序探討各階段之實務爭議,第 五章探討建築住宅之瑕疵,敘述輻射屋、二次施工、放樣錯誤之爭議。


This article is aim to protect the purchasers of self-used houses or office buildings or dual function buildings. The purchaser knowledge is less than that of the sellers in terms of economical ability, information and related profession. Therefore, this article is specially focus on studying court verdict and practical issues and analyzing most defects types on residence transactions in order to protect the disadvantaged purchasers. By these ways, this article could provide purchasers knowledge how to deal with the constructer, to terminate the purchase contract, to claim for guarantee on object defects or for other rights in accordance with related laws. In other words, by studying what the legal liability the constructer should bear, it’s expected to reduce possible dispute and hence to provide reference for future legislation. The method would collect and review the court verdicts from Building Act, Civil Code and Consumer Protection Law. Ultimately, it could help the purchasers understanding the trend how the court views the purchase practice and further on to assure the purchasers rights and interests and to alleviate the legal resource. Chapter 2 and 3 are cross analysis based on court verdicts and theories. Apart from this, the rest of this article is based on the practical views and the court verdicts. The research method is by analyzing cases and by gathering related applicable legal results in order to analyze the practical view in the process of the pre-sale house transactions. Most common construction debate often happened in pre-sale houses. Chapter 4 enters into practical purchase disputes in time scale of pre-sale house transactions, such as pre-agreement, signing-agreement, fulfilling and delivery agreement and acceptance. Chapter 5 discusses disputes such as residence defects, radial house description, re-construction and sample mistakes.




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