  • 學位論文


The Impact of Leasing on the Remanufacturing System

指導教授 : 張國浩


再製造一直是綠色供應鏈研究中的熱門議題,但是很少有研究針對長期租約 (Leasing) 如何影響再製造系統進行研究。一般的再製造系統回收回來的產品會因為使用時間及方法的不同造成回收數量與品質的不確定性,長期租約模式因為契約時間可預期,租約中對於顧客如何使用產品也有規定,例如長期租約的汽車里程數有一定的限制,因此相對比較容易確定產品的回收數量與品質。本研究發展兩個動態隨機最佳化模型,分別是長期租約模型與非長期租約模型。在長期租約模型中,回收數量與前幾期的租約數量有關,不是獨立的決策變數,在非長期租約模型中,回收變數則是獨立的決策變數。企業每一期根據庫存數量與市場需求做出相對應決策,目標為最大化規劃周期內總利潤。根據穩態最佳解,探討長期租約對再製造系統的影響。我們發現,長期租約對於在製造系統並不是只有好處,在某些特定的狀況下,長期租約也會造成再製造系統的負擔。


Remanufacturing has been an important research topic in green supply chain. However, few researches investigate how leasing impact remanufacturing. Traditionally, the quantity and quality of recycle products vary a lot because different customers use products differently both in terms of times possessed and the ways they treat the products. However, in the leasing contract, the leasing time is pre-determined. Often, the contract will require customers use products in a certain way. For example, car leasing contract usually has limitation on mileage. Therefore, the recycle products out of the leasing contract usually have less variation in quantity and quality. In this research, two stochastic optimization models are developed. They are Leasing and Non-leasing models. In the Leasing model, recycle quantity depends on the amount of leasing contracts few periods before. It is not an independent decision variable like it is in the Non-leasing model. Based on the inventory position and market demand, the company optimizes its decisions to maximize the total profit in the planning horizon. The steady state solutions are found and used to discuss how leasing impact the remanufacturing system. We found that under certain circumstances, leasing may have negative impact on the remanufacturing system.


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