  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 劉瑞華


世界上仿冒品何其多, 本文以世界名錶為例, 來探討仿冒品是否會對正牌品 有正面的影響。 1999 年鐘泳麟先生排序出的世界十大名錶中, 勞力士的排名 為第九, 但勞力士在台灣的排名卻是很前面, 觀察到這個現象後, 本文運用 Share Mental Model 與 Information Cascades 來藉此討論勞力士的仿冒現 象和程度, 是否因勞力士的仿冒品, 而使其對於勞力士正牌品有正面的影響, 最終才使世界十大名錶排序中, 勞力士在台灣的排名是高於勞力士在世界的 排名。


仿冒 仿冒品


In recent times, counterfeit goods are prevailing in the worldwide market. This article takes high class watches for example, to investigate whether counterfeit goods has positive effects toward genuine goods. In 1999, Mr. Chong, Yon-Lin suggested the list - ”First Ten World High Class Watches”, and the Rolex was only listed as the ninth. However, Rolex is a very popular brand in Taiwan. Through this observation, this article uses Share Mental Model Information Cascades to discuss the counterfeiting phenomenon and prevailing level of Rolex in Taiwan. To realize whether the counterfeit Rolex has the positive affects toward genuine ones since the ranking of Rolex in Taiwan is far beyond the one in the world.




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