  • 學位論文


Fabrication of Lead Halide Perovskite Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells with Thick Photoactive Layer

指導教授 : 洪勝富


本論文提出一種,低溫、全溶液製程、製程簡單、可大面積化之鉛鹵鈣鈦礦有機/無機混成太陽電池元件。其中本論文使用鉛鹵鈣鈦礦作為主動吸光層,藉由DMSO對於PbCl2的高溶解度特性,以提高precursor溶液之濃度,並建構有機/無機混成太陽電池元件。元件結構為ITO/PEDOT:PSS/Perovskite/PCBM/Al,屬於正式太陽電池結構,適當地選擇電洞和電子傳輸層,並透過旋轉塗佈最佳化陰乾條件,讓本論文之太陽電池元件表現更佳。本論文建構之太陽電池元件效率可達7.0 %,其短路電流18.1 mA/cm2有著優異的表現。本論文所提出之鉛鹵鈣鈦礦有機/無機混成太陽電池元件挾帶著良好的效率表現及其具有可大面積化之優勢,以利未來朝向大面積元件之製作發展。


This paper proposed a low temperature, solution process, simple process, a large area of the lead halide perovskite organic/inorganic hybrid solar cell. In this paper, in which the use of lead halide perovskite as the photoactive layer. With the high solubility PbCl2 in DMSO to increase the concentration of the precursor solution, and construct organic / inorganic hybrid solar cell. Our device configuration:Glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/Perovskite/PCBM/Al belong to normal structure. Suitably selected the hole and the electron transport layer by spin coating and dried to optimize conditions for the performance of the solar cell of the present paper is better. In this paper, Construction of the solar cell efficiency of up to 7.0 %, short-circuit current of 18.1 mA/cm2 has excellent performance. Lead halide perovskite organic / inorganic hybrid solar cell laden with good efficiency and performance advantages of a large area can be to facilitate the production of large-area components toward future development.


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