  • 學位論文


Spectral Shaping and Adaptive Control of Er:fiber Lasers and Applications

指導教授 : 潘犀靈


本論文中,我們的光源為1550nm摻鉺光纖脈衝雷射,藉於脈衝形變原理及自適應控制,我們利用凍結相位演算法產生一傅氏轉換極限脈衝。進一步我們也利用Gerchberg-Saxton演算法產生了設計的任意波型。 此外,我們亦將摻鉺光纖脈衝形變技術用於超高速光通訊傳輸系統,我們結合1550nm連續雷射相位調製光頻梳及可調式脈衝形變器,配合光電式W頻帶光纖-無線通訊系統,我們展示了一規模可調並可無縫升級的無線/光纖集成網路。用戶端只需替換一光帶通濾波器即可無縫升級。其有線資料傳輸率達到17.45Gb/s且光纖資料傳輸率達3.36Gb/s。我們亦觀察了在光纖中射頻強度衰減效應。


In this thesis, we first use adaptive freezing phase algorithm to produce a reference transform-limited pulse. The light source is 1550nm mode-locked Er:fiber laser. In addition, we also demonstrated an arbitrary waveform generation by adaptive Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. Besides, we also applied spectral shaping technique in high speed optical communication. By combining optical comb generated by phase modulation of continuous wave, programmable shaper and photonics W-band fiber-wireless system, we proposed an easily upgradable and service-integrated access network. The users can easily upgrade their system by changing optical band-pass filter. The wired data rate and wireless data rate can achieve 17.45 Gb/s and 3.36Gb/s respectively after 40 km of single-mode fiber. The radio frequency power fading effect in the fiber also investigated in this experiment.




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