  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王茂駿


人的一生當中有1/3的時間都在睡眠,睡眠品質對於工作效率或學習會有顯著的影響,然而,床具的好壞會直接影響到睡眠的品質,為了符合使用者的不同需求,越來越多種類的床墊也相應產生,如:有表面設計、氣囊輔佐、可調式等等. 本研究將針對表面設計的床墊以及受試者體型進行評估,共招募32位受試者參與本實驗,實驗的床墊總共有四張,分別為3公分表面加工床墊與7公分表面加工床墊各一張,和其未加工前之3公分和7公分各一張,床墊材質皆一樣,研究蒐集受試者躺臥於床墊上的全身壓力分佈、全身溫度分佈、微氣候、肌肉活動度、脊椎斜率和舒適度問卷,評估表面設計之功效。 研究結果顯示在壓力方面沒有進行表面設計壓力值顯著較低,其中又以未進行加工7公分床墊表現最好;溫度與微氣候方面皆以有進行加工床墊溫度濕度較低,表現較好;而在肌肉活動度以及脊椎角度測量方面,床墊都沒有造成顯著的差異;在舒適度問卷分析方面以未表面加工3公分床墊表現最好。本研究之結果可作為未來床墊製造商進行表面設計之準則考量,配合各項量測數據分析,有助於未來床墊設計之發展。


People spend 33% of their life for sleeping. Sleep quality tends to affect on the efficiency of the work or study. However, the characteristics of the bed will influence the sleep quality. In order to meet the needs of users, various beds , mattresses and toppers design features are developed, such as the beds with surface design, ventilation and adjustable function. This study evaluates on the surface design of mattress toppers . Thirty two participants were recruited. The four experimental mattress toppers were tested. The study selected the toppers with 30 and 70 mm thickness. Two toppers are with surface design , two are original without design. All the material of the toppers are the same. In the experiment, the objective and subjective data the pressure distribution, temperature distribution, microclimate, EMG, spinal alignment and the comfort rating when the participants lying on the toppers were collected. The result showed that the toppers without surface design had the lower pressure distribution and the 70 mm topper without surface design induced the lower pressure than the other three toppers. The toppers with surface design had the lower temperature and relative humidity. No significant differences were found between toppers in EMG and spinal alignment measure. And the 30 mm topper without surface design had the best performance in comfort rating. The finding of the research can be used as the future guidelines for the mattresses recruit and manufacturing.


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