  • 學位論文


The Research on Architectural Development of Public Elementary School during Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾光宗


綜觀臺灣學校建築史,歷經荷蘭、明鄭、清領、日治至今,其中日治時期之「公學校」實為一重要轉捩點,不但上承西方「近代小學」,更下啟臺灣現代「國民小學」。其不僅是臺灣邁入近代教育的重要分水嶺,更是記錄了臺灣「近代學校」五十年的演變過程。日治時期建立分布於全臺的一千五百多所公學校建築中,最悠久者甚至已邁入百餘年的歷史,在文化資產保存上可謂意義重大。然而這些校舍至今保留者已相當少,多已拆除或改建,至2010年為止,登記為古蹟和歷史建築者卻為數極微,在這種事態下,保存維護現存之公學校建築,實屬非常迫切之事。公學校建築最重要的特色之一,即是日本將其明治維新的近代法治理念應用於臺灣學校建築上。但目前國內相關研究皆未有一較完整之脈絡性調查,故本研究欲以一較整體的角度,探討公學校建築發展歷程、建築相關法令的演變及其影響。 經本研究探討得知在不同時期下,政治、教育、經濟、社會、環境等的變化,亦影響當局在公學校建築計畫上的改變,相關建築法令也隨之更訂,亦造成臺灣公學校與日本小學校依循建築法令之異同。因此,本研究將日治時期臺灣公學校建築發展歷程歸納為五時期: (一)臺灣公學校之初創期 (二)公學校建築計畫之萌芽期 (三)公學校建築計畫之完善期 (四)公學校建築計畫之簡化期 (五)公學校建築計畫之轉化期 本研究將當時學校案例統一彙整後,再與此五時期所依循之建築法令做一對照,得出下列四階段建築法令之定位及其影響公學校建築之特色: 1. 1901─1904: 公學校首次建築法令,為最緊急需要之空間類型。較影響為:(1)校地設有運動場;(2)校舍為長方形一層建築,二棟以上平行並列;(3)教室為長方形,皆有開窗通風;(4)廁所設於另一棟。 2. 1904─1911: 更加細訂前階段條文內容。較影響為:(1)教室增大、設置二出入口,出入口寬高皆六尺;(2)校舍設置單邊走廊,寬度六尺。 3. 1912─1917: 統一前各階段之建築法令,並首次制定校舍及走廊方位。較影響為:(1)校舍以南北向配置為主;(2)走廊設於校舍南側;(3)廁所至教室設置連接走廊。 4. 1917─1921: 將建築條文簡化並分離其中「結構」類型條文。較影響為:(1)校舍以最經濟之建材為主;(2)教室皆以同一樣式設計,教室長五間、寬四間。


The architectural history of Taiwan has undergone the colonization of Netherlands, Ming Dynasty, Ching Dynasty, and the Japanese colonial period. Among them, the "public elementary school" during the Japanese colonial period is a crucial turning point. It descended from the western "Modern primary school" and innovated contemporary "Elementary school" in Taiwan. The public elementary school is not only essential for Taiwan to enter the era of modern education, but also records the evolution process of contemporary schools in Taiwan in the past fifty years. During the Japanese colonial period, more than one thousand and five hundred public school buildings were built and spread over Taiwan - the oldest building can even be dated to more than one hundred years ago. These buildings play an important role in the cultural property preservation. However, most of them are destructed or reconstructed and only a few of them are preserved. Till 2010, only a small amount of them have been registered as historical relics or buildings. Under this circumstance, it is urgent to preserve and maintain the existing public school buildings. One of the major features of these buildings is the application of the rule-by-law philosophy from Meiji Restoration onto Taiwanese school buildings. Due to the lack of thorough studies in related research in Taiwan, we are motivated to investigate the historical development of public school buildings, related architectural regulations, their evolution and impacts with a global point-of-view. Our studies show that the changes in politic, education, economy, society, and environment during different periods also effected the official plan of public school buildings and altered the related architectural regulations. This also led to the similarity and difference of regulations adopted for the Taiwanese public elementary school and Japanese primary school. We have concluded the development of the Taiwanese public elementary school buildings under Japanese colonization into five phases: (1) The birth of Taiwanese public elementary school building plan. (2) The growth of public elementary school building plan. (3) The perfection of public elementary school building plan. (4) The simplification of public elementary school building plan. (5) The transformation of public elementary school building plan. We have collected the school building cases during the Japanese colonial period, and related them to the observed architectural regulations. We have reached the conclusion of the following four architectural regulation stages and their influences on the public school buildings: 1. 1901-1904: The first regulations legislated for the public school, which outlined the type of spaces in immediate needs. The impacts are: (1) playground in the school; (2) the individual schoolhouses is a one-level rectangular building. Two or more schoolhouses are located in parallel; (3) the classrooms are rectangular, with window for ventilation; (4) the restrooms are located in a separate building. 2. 1904-1911: Refined the regulations in the previous stage. The impacts are: (1) the classrooms are enlarged, with two 6-feet high and 6-feet wide exits; (2) the schoolhouses are equipped with 6-feet wide single-sided corridor. 3. 1912-1917: Unification of the regulations in former stages and set up of the location and orientation of schoolhouses and corridors. The impacts are: (1) the schoolhouses are oriented in north-south direction; (3) the corridor are located in the south side of the schoolhouse; (3) a corridor is set up to connect the restroom and the classroom. 4. 1917-1921: Simplification of the architectural regulations and isolation of the regulations for “structure”. The impacts are: (1) use of the most economic materials for construction; (2) the classrooms are of the same design, with a five times four array of classrooms on one level.


廖硃岑(2004)。臺灣日治時期中學校講堂初探 -以校園空間計畫及儀式活動為主的論述。未出版之碩士論文,國立成功大學建築研究所,臺南市。
