  • 學位論文


Design of an Industrial Chimney with a Suitable Shell Thickness

指導教授 : 范憶華


本研究中作者採用大震鍋爐企業公司生產的鍋爐所排放的煙囪之筒殼直徑與厚度的設計型式作為研究對象,研究過程中首先利用鍋爐種類及燃料選擇建構不同的分析模型,配合輸入大氣溫度、煙囪排氣溫度及廢氣流量計算以探討不同型式的煙囪結構在理論公式值下可達到的最小厚度及最適化設計。 為了深入探討煙囪在不同燃料及不同燃燒類型的鍋爐條件下,並符合現今通用的國內外法規,於本論文中作者應用法規分析,建構較符合實體煙囪之模型,進而由現有案例計算結果顯現煙囪較符合實際狀況之最小厚度,求出煙囪厚度最適合的數據。


In this study, the authors used cylindrical shell diameter and the thickness of the design type of earthquake boiler chimney enterprises producing boiler emissions as a research object, the process firstly boiler type and fuel options construct a different model , with input air temperature chimney exhaust gas temperature and exhaust gas flow rate calculations to investigate the different types of chimney at the theoretical formula can reach values of minimum thickness and Suitable design.. In order to further investigate the chimney under different fuels and different types of boiler combustion conditions and in line with the current general domestic and international laws and regulations , in this paper, the authors analyze applicable regulations , more in line with the construction of a model entity chimney , and then the results from the existing cases appear chimney more in line with the actual situation of the minimum thickness , the thickness of the chimney determined the most appropriate data .


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