  • 學位論文


A Study of the View of the Churches in the Elders of Wu Yong (1920-2005)

指導教授 : 吳昶興




This paper investigates the founder of the Mandarin Chapel, Elder Wu Yong, and his view of the church. Wu Yong has a special spiritual gift from God, and he can raise Church up and reconcile with each other. He can make the people, who is close to him, naturally accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wu Yong has the spiritual anointing given by God specifically. The others are hard to learn his unique spiritual anointing. Wu Yong has a great influence on the church in Taiwan with his life of full legend from being faith to becoming a leader of the church. Based on this, the study of this paper is necessary, and this paper can strengthen the past research Wu Yong and the local church research deficiencies and limitations. This paper is divided into five chapters, and the first chapter is the introduction of the purpose of the study and the research methods, and Wu Yong's works and related research. The main body of this paper is from the second chapter to the fourth chapter. There is a brief exposition about Elder Wu Yong's one life and his belief formation, early life, from part time to a full-time preacher. Secondly, we discuss about Wu Yong's view of the church and the system and operation of the Elderly Society, the basic principles, the current practice and the implementation of the Elderly Society. The operation and the principle of the Taipei Christian Linsen South Road Chapel and the Yonghe Chapel are used as examples to understand why local churches value leadership prior to management, pastoral care, equal rights and responsibilities of the Elders, and the concept of governance, and then compared with the Watchman Nee’s view of the church, and to distinguish their views of the church. Wu Yong is a God’s servant with faithful for Lord's Word. So he pays great attention to the podium and exegesis, and personally practices his preaching, in order to promote the establishment of theological school, church building, and at home and abroad Mission. The last chapter is the conclusion of this paper, which sums up the influence of the Elder Church view of Wu Yong on the church in Taiwan, and also provides an important way for the study of Wu Yong church.


Wu Yong Mandarin Chapel Local Church Ecclesiology


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