  • 學位論文


Industrial Cluster and Supply Chain with Corprate Performance between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


摘要 本研究旨在探討產業群聚與供應鏈類型對經營績效之影響,並以兩岸台商作為研究的對象。並採實證分析之方法來加以驗證。期望提出一套最佳的產業群聚與供應鏈配合類型。 在經由相關文獻與實證研究之探討後,將產業群聚類型、供應鏈類型與生態類型三者建構出可操作的衡量構面,並分別將產業群聚類型分為「合作型」、「競爭型」,供應鏈類型方面分為「完整型」、「局部型」,在生態類型方面則分為「共生型」與「競爭型」兩種類型,另一方面,在產業群聚與供應鏈配合類型方面則分為四大類型,「完整合作型」、「完整競爭型」、「局部合作型」、「局部競爭型」。 本研究係以大陸及台灣兩岸台商為主要研究對象,寄發1200份問卷,回收有效問卷53份,經由因素分析與集群分析、T檢定、變異數分析等統計方法,將實證結論分述如下: 1. 供應鏈建構的愈完整其經營績效會較佳。 2. Porter 的觀點獲得驗證:本研究驗證了Porter(1990)所提出的觀點,建立既深且廣的特定與相關產業群聚,有助於該產業創新與競爭力。 3. 垂直整合愈完整的供應鏈其經營績效會優於僅為局部或是水平式的供應鏈。探討其原因可能是供應鏈垂直整合愈完整彼此愈能達成銷售情報共享,使得市場的需求變化能被上下游成員們同步了解,以利適時採取因應對策。 4. 供應鏈愈完整並且合作型的產業群聚類型之下經營績效是最佳的。 5. 在生態類型的影響下產業群聚與供應鏈配合類型對績效的影響並無顯著差異。 6. 在海峽兩岸地區類型下產業群聚與供應鏈配合類型對績效的影響並無顯著差異。


經營績效 生態 產業群聚 供應鏈


ABSTRACT The research objective of this thesis is to investigate the industrial cluster and supply chain with corporate performance between Taiwan and Mainland China. We hope to adduce a set the best integrated types of supply chain and industrial clusters. After the literature review, We separates the industrial clusters into two types: alliance type and competition type, and supply chain into two types: entirety type and partial type. They divided into four types: 「entirety/alliance」,「entirety/competition」,「partial/alliance」,「partial/competition」.Therefore, this study is discussed the relationship between industrial cluster and supply chain fit and performance. After sent 1200survey to the cross-strait firms between Mainland China and Taiwan, 53 respondents were valid. By using factor, cluster and ANOVA analysis business performance. Besides, the best performance will be created by integrated supply chain together with cooperate industry cluster. The conclusions are summarized as following: 1. The entirety type supply chain is better than partial type supply chain 2. The conclusions is in agreement with Porter (1990):Porter considered that build specific and relative in deep and wide industrial cluster will support the innovation, upgrade, developed the long term competition strategy, promote the internal competition. 3. The members of entirety type supply chain can share their sale information. According as the members of entirety type supply chain can make coincidence decision. 4. The research shows that different integrated types industrial cluster and supply chain between industrial ecology types have insignificant influences on the performance. 5. The research shows that different integrated types industrial cluster and supply chain between Taiwan and Mainland China have insignificant influences on the performance.


ecology performance supply chain industrial cluster


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