  • 學位論文


A conceptual model of Business Process Reengineering based on Problem Solving approach

指導教授 : 顧志遠


雖然大家都認同“企業流程改造”(BPR)是替代傳統金字塔式組織及分工作業方式的重要趨勢,也是企業在面對顧客滿意、企業競爭激烈和環境善變的衝擊下,企業要保持競爭力,必須要以企業流程改造對企業整體的流程做澈底的改造和翻新,進行有效的經營活動變革,而「重新開始」。 如何使成功率不高的BPR容易實做和做好?解決流程問題的所在是BPR的成功關鍵。BPR 雖然有完整的管理步驟,但缺乏對流程問題的切入、原因探索和問題解決的方法及程序。而問題解決法剛好可提供良好的問題解決程序與如何切入問題的優點,因此本研究透過以文獻回顧法,收集相關文獻,整合企業流程改造的實施方法與模式,與問題解決法的問題解決程序,並以此建構以問題解決為導向的企業流程改造概念模式。再以個案實證法,對本研究所建構的以問題解決為導向的企業流程改造概念模式,進行企業個案實證,和修正本研究所建構的實施方法與模式。 本研究以問題解決為導向的企業流程改造概念模式,可說整合“創意”和“問題解決”兩種改善觀念和方法 ,使強調根本與戲劇性改造,需要創意十足的企業流程改造模式,在導入以問題解決的概念,透過“問題解決”的實踐,得以具體化,而且也不只是傳統的“問題解決”而已。完全可改善或互補彼此的不足,是使“創意”和“問題解決”兩種改善觀念和方法相輔相成,也使以問題解決為導向的企業流程改造概念模式變成介於“創意”和“問題解決”兩種改善觀念和方法典範間的改良型手法,因此以問題解決為導向是一種改良型的企業流程改造概念模式,在實務上,使流程能在未達滿意的根本與戲劇性改造時,亦能有突破性的具體改善成效,有如一步登天前先跨出創新或改善的一小步,也是一種成功。


Although everyone recognizes the strong tendency of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) operation style will be substitute for the traditional pyramid organization and functional operation style. And, when come to face the strike against more customer satisfaction requirement, stronger competitor’s competition and rapid environment change. The company needs to deliver the BPR and radically reengineering or renew all operation processes, effectively change operation activities, and to make a refresh start. How we shall make the BPR to be more feasible and practice? Problem Solution (PS) is the key to the success of BPR. Although BPR covers with full-scale of management procedures. It is still lack of addressing the process problem, effective problem causes analyzing , problem solution alternatives’ assessment and decision, the structure and procedure of problem solution. The advantages of Problem Solution Method that provides desirable solution procedure and lead to address with right problem. Thus, this thesis want applying to Problem Solving approach to establish a concept model for Business Process Reengineering, and integrates both concept and method of Problem Solution and BPR. The thesis studied and referred to the Meta method to collect and review in related of literatures and documents, and after established concept model approve of and modify it if necessary by Case Study method. The new concept model based on Problem Solution approach for BPR that is to integrate both improvements of concept and method of the creative renovation and problem solution. It is emphasized the reengineering must be done radically and dramatically. It requires abound of creation for the BPR. When guide in the concept of Problem Solution, “Problem Solution” has to be putted in practice and concrete, it should not work only in way of the conventional “Problem Solution”. When it is done with complete procedure that can improve or make up the insufficient of each other. Furthermore, it becomes the concept pattern of Problem Solution between creative renovation and problem solution that each complements to each other’s. Problem Solution is the concept pattern of improvement to the BPR. In practical event, the radical and dramatic BPR that may create effective improvement before achievement of BPR. A small step that could be a signal guiding to the path of the success. It is a success.


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