  • 學位論文


The Clustering of Taiwan's CRT Monitor Firms at Suzhou

指導教授 : 蔡渭水


論文摘要 生物本身會找尋生命的出口。即使台灣以打造科技島自居,政府並提出「綠色矽島」的願景,然而資訊科技產業逐漸移往中國大陸的趨勢,卻是不爭的事實。 本研究以生態學觀點出發,再加上網路觀點與資源依賴觀點以探討蘇州地區監視器產業群聚(Clustering)現象的發生和過程。而資料的蒐集包括兩個部份,一是經由相關文獻資料中,描繪出蘇州地區監視器產業的群聚現象;二是透過產業界及專家的深度訪談蒐集必要的實際經驗,最後提出4個命題(Proposition)。 就監視器產值第一的台灣資訊科技(IT)產業而言,島內的產業生存投資環境,面臨環保意識日益高漲、生產成本不斷提高、經營環境日趨混亂、行政效率的低落、新台幣升值、生產土地取得不易、生產所需的水電供應不足、獎勵性的租稅優惠取消、勞動力來源的缺乏等等因素下所形成的「推力」。而在大陸的蘇州地區,擁有生產所需的廣大土地、低廉的土地成本、穩定與素質良好的勞動力來源、廉價的資源、積極的政策與簡化的招商行政程序、快速與良好的基礎建設、優惠的租稅、相對穩定的政治環境等等因素下所形成的「吸力」。另有,產業發展所面臨的全球市場成熟、新興市場的堀起、產業生命週期的變動、產業結構的改變、下游客戶的需求等等因素所形成的「拉力」。 就在「推力」、「吸力」及「拉力」的作用力之下,使得以企業個體類比為生物體的「有生命性組織」,產生了自我找尋生命出口與生存之道,讓曾經創造出「台灣經濟奇蹟」並擁有「台灣經驗」的台商們積極地向外投資,得以在大陸蘇州地區又再一次的展現其台商的特質與充沛的生命力。而這種群聚現象的發生,幾乎可說是台商在海峽對岸的中國大陸市場上「台灣經驗」的逐步複製。


生態學 監視器產業 群聚 台商


A creature seeks for outlet of life better itself. Although Taiwan has so called Technology Island and government proposes a wish of a green silicon island, information technology industry, in fact, immigrate Mainland China in trend. From ecological point of view, network viewpoint, and resource dependent view, our study is going to discuss monitor industry cluster phenomenon and procedure in Suzhou area in China. There are two parts from collecting data, one are related documents to describe monitor industry cluster phenomenon in Suzhou area in China, and the other is industry businessmen and experts interview and collect all of necessary realistic experiences as four propositions. From our survey study, the first monitor productions of Taiwan information technology(IT)industry face industry investment environment transform, higher environmental issue, administration inefficiency, currency appreciation, manufacture land development uneasily, water and electricity supply insufficiency, premium cancellation for reward land tax and other levies, and lack of manpower resource etc. as a thrust force. However, Suzhou area in China has wider lands for manufacture, inexpensive land costs, stable and high quality manpower resource, inexpensive resource, a clear policy and simple administration procedure for investment, faster and excellent basic construction, premium tax and levies, and stable political environment factors as an attraction force. Furthermore, industry development faces global mature, emerging market spark, industry life cycle alternation, industry structure changes, and low supply demand factors as a pulling force. Among the thrust, attraction, and pulling force effect, individual business as a creature organization seeks for life and the way for surviving. Taiwan business has ever been through Taiwan Economical miracle and Taiwan Experience and now immigrates in Suzhou area in China for investment; it has shown one more time our Taiwan business characters and abundant life in duplications in another coast of Taiwan Strait in China market.


ecology clustering Taiwan business monitor industry


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