  • 學位論文


The conduct correlation study between the technical capability of creating-enterprise coordinator and its associate inventive products-An example based on Lung-Yuan Research Park Incubation Center

指導教授 : 蔡渭水


「產品創新能力」是企業能夠永續生存所必須擁有的能力,更是創業者想開創企業的引發點,而產品創新觀念是來自於「人」的「需要」與「技術」的融合。能否有效且快速的產生產品,端賴握有資源裁量權的執行者如何對現有的資源進行適當的配置。而創業團隊領導者因本身特質的差異,對新產品開發行為上有著顯著不同的行進模式。 「人」在生存的企業環境中如何幫助企業完成顧客需要的「創新產品」,就在於「個人」擁有的基本潛能、知識是否能夠發揮出來。跨領域的思維或技術在創新產品的重要性由此凸顯。研發團隊或個別成員個人的知識領域不但要精,更要廣。若再加上具有工作上的纍積實務經驗,就產生所謂「技術能耐」,而『技術能耐』經轉換轉換而成為產品的能力,讓技術能夠轉換產品化成功,這樣的技術才有存在的價值。而且使開發出來的產品的品質、功能、以及使用上達到一定的水準。 本研究採用個案法進行定性的探索性研究,針對創業團隊領導者技術能耐與新產品開發的行為作深入分析。其結果有以下發現: 一、 創業團隊領導者原單位背景與創業領導者個人背景會影響創業領導者技術能耐 創業者在創業前的工作經驗及學、經歷會使創業者本身所擁有的技術能耐產生差異。 二、 創業領導者技術能耐會影響新產品開發技術團隊的形成 創業團隊領導者所擁有的技術能耐會展現其對新產品開發概念上的差異,也因而對技術團隊成員的選擇及組成造成影響。 三、 技術團隊形成會影響新產品開發行為 技術團隊的不同,會造成對創新育成資源的使用方式、新產品的概念來源,以及新產品的類型等三方面的差異。


The capability of product innovation is the key to the start-ups. The ideas of product innovation come from the combinations of demands and the technology. But the speed of product invention is decided by the way the creating-enterprise coordinators make use of the resource he holds. And how the coordinators make use of the resource has a lot to do with the capability they owned. The performance of product innovation most decides by the capability of the creating-enterprise group. And the whether the capability can work well depends on the technical capability of the creating-coordinator. This research shows that the technical-capability (such as cross-fields technology background, past R&D experiences, and the experience of being a leader of innovation projects) the coordinators owned played an important role in the innovation process. This research concludes that the wider range of technical-capability the coordinators owned, the higher possibility that the creating-enterprise can create a complete product. And the better chance the functions, qualities, and the user-designs can fulfill the market demands. This research uses case study to find the relations between the technical capabilities of creating-enterprise coordinators and its associate inventive product. The results are as below: 1. Former working experiences and technical background will influence the technical capability of the creating-enterprise coordinators. 2. The technical capability of the creating-enterprise coordinators will influence the variety of the members of the creating-enterprise group. 3. The creating-enterprise group will influence the process of the product innovation.


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羅偉哲(2013)。新創團隊之商業模式發展研究 - 以C公司為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2511201311361051
