  • 學位論文


Using XML in Audit Data Retrieval - An Implementation Study

指導教授 : 周濟群


近年來資訊技術的急速發展,相關的資訊軟硬體標準不斷更迭;加上系統建置的時間不一,且各依其所需,導致資訊系統異質化的現象。故在進行資訊系統審計時,常面臨不同系統間的電子化審計資料難以整合的問題。審計人員雖然可以針對不同受查客戶設計特殊的審計軟體或使用審計軟體所提供的資料擷取介面來讀取不同資料庫內的資料,並轉成一致的機器可讀格式來解決資料整合的問題,但在整個電子化審計資料及其擷取介面的整合上仍存在不少問題。因此,如何發展具通用性的審計資料格式及轉換介面,來有效地整合電子化審計資料,成為一個值得探究的問題。 一九九八年由W3C(World Wide Web Consortium)極力推展的XML(eXtensible Markup Language)語言,支援了強大的網路資料傳遞功能,且具備描述複雜結構的能力,卻有著易學易用的方便性,有利於實現網際網路資訊系統的發展,被認為是相當有效的網際網路資料整合解決方案。XML自發表以來,各界無不將其視為下一代的資訊標準格式。證券暨期貨管理委員會、各大會計師事務所也注意到此一趨勢,無不極力針對XML的問世而做準備,以因應因XML的出現而可能引起的審計環境劇變。 既然XML有可能成為下一代的資訊標準格式,故本研究參考XML的觀念和技術,建立了以XML為資料擷取介面的審計實作系統,利用XML的資料結構和資料轉換方法,透過文件格式定義(DTD)將受查者資料庫的交易資料讀出並轉成一致的XML審計資料,並根據此審計資料完成審計工作。透過此系統的構建,我們可以看出如何利用XML整合審計資料及審計程式。最後,本研究根據此實作系統,探討XML對審計工作可能帶來的影響及採用XML為審計資料擷取介面的潛在好處。


Recently, with the surging development of information technology, software and hardware standards changed rapidly. In addition, information systems are constructed to meet a variety of user needs. Auditors begin to meet troubles in integrating electronic audit data across heterogeneous data sources. To settle this problem, auditors can choose to design tailor-made auditing software for each system, or use data retrieval interface embedded in the auditing software to identify different data formats. However, the “problem-oriented” approach cannot provide general solutions to many problems in system integration. To seek a better solution, this research is attempting to find out a general interface for audit data retrieval to integrate heterogeneous audit data. XML(eXtensible Markup Language), released by W3C(World Wide Web Consortium)in 1998, has powerful information transfer ability in the internet environment. It is capable to describe complicated data structure, and is easy for user to learn and use. For these reasons, XML is employed as an effective tool to facilitate the integration of heterogeneous databases. It provides a unified structural view for the data in different formats or in different schemas. Securities and Futures Commission and most CPA firms have been equipping themselves to adopt and promote the new technology in many accounting and auditing related services. The objective of this research is to employ concepts and technologies about XML to build a prototype system using XML in audit data retrieval. In this study, data retrieved from database are transformed into XML documents according to Document Type Definition (DTD). Then these documents are audited by preprogrammed audit programs. With the system, we can see how XML enhances auditors’ ability by making their tasks remotely and more efficiently.


XML data retrieval audit DTD


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