  • 學位論文

國防工業體系之專案管理模式建構 —以飛彈研發專案為例

A Project Management Model for Defense Industry–A Case Study Based on a Missile Research and Development Project

指導教授 : 宮大川


「未來戰爭型態,必然是高科技、高技術戰爭」,我國現階段以「有效嚇阻、防衛固守」的國防戰略指導而言,為了自衛以保障台海和平,必須建立自主的國防,全力發展必要的嚇阻武力,才能確保國家的主權。在過去先進武器獲得不易的年代,國人唯有自力研發、製造軍備武器,從創意開發、設計開發驗證、製程開發、製造技術開發、設計審查、系統模擬、環境試驗、測試驗證與評估到整體後勤支援體系的建立,為了國防自主,集全國資源和精英投入,始有今日一機三彈(IDF戰機、雄風反艦飛彈、天弓防空飛彈、天劍空對空飛彈)的傲人成就。 近十年來,由於軍備大國軍火商的產能萎縮,急欲擴展海外市場,使得我國武器獲得的管道增加、也變得更容易,各型武器系統陸續完成戰備部署後,隨之而來的是精實訓練、操演,以及落實後勤補保體系的運作。專案計畫面對顧客服務需求的深度、廣度日增,全球競爭環境,至此,也改變了中科院武器發展政策長久以來獨霸國軍軍備需求獨占市場的優勢。面對國防預算緊縮及內、外在環境的變遷,在「尖端科技」、「國防工業」與「國家安全」的議題上,如何運用有限的資源做到高性能、低成本、快速上市且具備智慧型功能(Cheap、Better、Fast、Smart)的自主性國防策略,專案計畫管理者就不得不重新思考今日所面對的顧客至上與資訊化全球競爭環境。 因此,本研究以專事國防武器研發任務的中山科學研究院為研究對象。國防科技研發不僅要慎選具前瞻性的技術作為基礎研究的標的,在武器系統發展的各階段也要審慎考量資源的配置、掌握核心技術,更要結合學術界、工業界的研究發展與精密製造的優勢,建立軍民通用的雙向性運轉機制,強化核心競爭力,使能在專案計畫的管理作為上尋求持續精進與發展。


War types would be highly technology oriented for the future, in order to ensure the stability and safety during Communism regime on mainland China, our defense strategy transfers to obstruct with availability and strengthen defense from the Chinese Communist offense. Hence, we must build our own researching center, develop threatening forces to defend and protect our country. In past, it’s not easy to acquire the advanced weapon system (armament), the only way is to research develop and manufacture the weapon system by ourselves, including creative design and development, process & manufacturing design, design review, system simulation, environmental test, test verification & validation, integrated logistic support, it takes all resources and excellent manpower, so we possess IDF, Hsiung Feng anti-ship missile, Sky Bow missile, Sky Sword missile and fire control system. In recent decade, global defense manufacturing is sluggish and shrinkage for their capacity, and they are eagering to expand the overseas market, thus increasing more chances of the weapon acquisition to the R.O.C. While deployment, it’s important to enhance training, operation and ensure optimal integrated logistic support system. Many projects are facing strictly to global competitiveness and it requires all dimensions of customer service, the armament supply is never monopolized and strength to military requirements, changing the weapon development policy for CSIST in the future. But due to the changing political situation, the defense budgets become tighter, to the issues of high-tech, defense industry and safety, the project manager would be considered how to use the limited resources, to make the product be cheap, better, fast, smart. Therefore, the subject of this research is the development of defense armament of the CSIST. The advanced technology would be selected as research basis and core technology, we consider resources allocation in all phases, and join the government, academic and industry to gain more competitive advantages of research, development and manufacturing, then the project management would be continuously improved and developed.


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