  • 學位論文


A Study of Ubiquitous Mobile Collaboration Environment

指導教授 : 饒培倫


本研究之目的乃是透過本研究所建置之行動合作平台,探討在無線網際網路的環境之下,進行群體合作工作時,對工作成效及工作歷程的影響,以預見當無線網際網路的環境成熟時,未來使用者在使用行動設備進行工作時將會對其工作型態、工作方式產生的影響及變化。依此研究目的發展為本研究架構,研究問題與實驗之進行。 合作學習指的是以小組為單位進行學習,除了利用電腦進行學習之外,現實中也常利用電腦來協助進行群體工作,我們稱為電腦支援協同工作(computer- supported cooperative work,CSCW);在國內,由教育部主導的卓越計劃提出「主動社會學習」理論,全面性探討學習與科技的關係,其中包括了使用行動科技建立群體的學習環境,Geri G, M. Stefanone, M. Grace-Martin (2001) 的研究中提到,在一個無線網路的學習環境之下進行學習,將潛在的影響到學生學習過程的發展與持續進步的方向,甚至改變群體學習的方式。 本研究架構在獨立變數方面,包括了任務與行動設備,任務分為為期三天的長期任務與90分鐘的短期任務,行動設備指的是HPC與PPC兩種行動設備;相依變數則包括了工作成效、工作歷程與使用者態度。 在此研究架構下,本研究共設計了兩次的實驗,兩次實驗的受測者都是中原大學大三或大四的學生。實驗一的目的是探索在短期的任務之下,利用不同的行動設備進行群體合作任務時,對工作成效以及工作歷程的影響。實驗一首先隨機將45位學生隨機分為15組,每組3人進行實驗;實驗二的目的是探索在長期的任務之下,利用不同的行動設備進行群體合作任務時,對工作成效以及工作歷程的影響,並利用深度訪談對使用歷程作了更深入的紀錄。實驗二隨機將16位學生分為4組,每組各4人進行實驗,實驗內容為一為期三天的實驗,受測者必須在這三天之中完成兩項子任務以及三階段共七份問卷,以及最後的深度訪談及算完成實驗。 實驗一結果顯示,在工作成效方面,我們發現在個人任務完成時間、個人錯誤分數除以任務完成時間、發言字數、與每句平均字數上,HPC與PPC在工作成效的表現上有顯著的差異,在工作滿足、工作投入上也有顯著差異,此外,不同設備間對任務滿意度也有所差異;而在工作歷程方面:不同設備的使用者在使用時的姿勢、使用的方式以及工作過程中表現出的情緒都有所不同。 實驗二結果顯示,HPC與PPC對於任務二的任務執行結果滿意度有顯著差異;而在長期使用前後對行動設備的滿意度也有差異;而不同設備使用者,在長期使用後,對輸入方式、使用的姿勢與使用的地點之間有很大的不同,而對觸控筆的設計與產品設計的方向則提供了未來設計考量的方向。 整體而言,HPC比較適合進行群體合作的工作,相較之下,螢幕的大小、輸入的裝置與高耗電量使得PPC不適合進行群體的工作。依照本研究之結果,可以提供未來政府在發展電子書包、企業在商業環境的應用與產品設計上一些建議與方向。


Many people collaborate with each other using mobile devices on the wireless Internet today. However, few studies have focused on this issue. The aim of this research is to develop a mobile environment allowing people collaborating and working on the wireless Internet. This study also investigates users’ behaviour in this mobile environment. Johnson & Johnson (1989) suggested that collaborative learning have five new features compared to traditional learning: responsibility sharing, positive interdependence, individual accountability, interpersonal and small group skills and group process. The development of information and communication technology makes collaborative learning environment on the Internet more popular. According to the study of Grace-Martin (2001), the introduction of wireless computing resources in learning environments can potentially affect the development, maintenance, and transformation of learning communities. The concept model consists of two dimensions: mobile devices and time of collaboration. Mobile devices can be categorized by features, like screen size, stylus, portable and input device. This research designs two experiments to study the above research questions. Independent variables were tasks and mobile devices. Dependent variables were working performance, working process and personal attitudes.Discussing process measure by number of words, number of sentences and number of words in each sentence to each person during discussion. Using process means all events during using mobile devices to complete tasks, including spirit, manipulation the devices. Attitudes define as this study measure working attitude, task satisfaction and mobile devices using satisfaction to present attitudes. In experiment one, there was a significance difference in the number of words, the average of words in each sentence task one. This suggests that HPC users contributed more opinions in discussion. There was a significance difference in work satisfaction for each participant. This suggests that HPC user more involved and shows higher concentrationthan PPC in discussion. There was a significance difference in device satisfaction, such as devices screen sizes, stylus, portable, wireless Internet and input methods. In experiment two, the portability of mobile devices allowing user to use them in many places when performing the task. Participants use mobile devices in classroom, outdoor on the campus, home and in their living room. Size, weight and shape of the stylus are the main usability in the experiment. Besides, the portability of mobile devices allows participants using in many positions. Thus, an ideal mobile device would suit for many positions, and screen can be viewed from any angle. The results of the study provide useful and practical suggestions to apply to business and education environment. For learning technology, the following implications are concluded. First, the battery life of mobile devices is short. Second, a large and light LCD screen would be helpful for the purpose of reading. Third, the design of educational mobile devices should focus on reading function. For business environment, the following implications are concluded: personal information management, connection to the wireless Internet, Internet gaming. For device design, there is no perfect way of input. Compare with physical keyboard, hand writing recognition is still a necessary device. Voice recognition is expected to help input/output task for mobile device. The network function should be built-in for mobile devices. Users were very satisfied with stylus. The size, length, weight and shape of stylus are affective to users’ satisfaction.


Handheld device Wireless Internet Mobile Device CSCW


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