  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Interface Managementof Third-Party Logistics (3rdPL) Between Provider and User of Transportation Service

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


隨著國際經貿的成長變化,新的經濟觀念與經營需求產生,企業行銷通路亦隨之產生了鉅大變革。全球物流供應鏈觀念的不斷演進,亦促使產業及市場供需角色的快速變化,職是之故,如何建構一個完整而有效的物流後勤支援體系,以提高物流效率及服務品質,已成為企業一個重要的策略議題。在新世紀中逐步解除貿易障礙後,『物流』經營策略必將進一步主導著企業的生存與發展。 國內約在十年前導入「物流」的觀念,有關物流、物流中心、物流管理、第三者物流等經營策略及管理技術的書籍刊物雖多,然由於這些內容在台灣仍處於萌芽階段而欠缺系統性與實務性。整體而言,國內廠商對物流運輸欠缺實務管理經驗,加上政府及學界對物流運輸管理欠缺瞭解,更缺乏對第三者委外物流運輸管理之重視及相關研究。因此,本研究以作者實際參與國內物流運輸管理十年之實務經驗,配合國內外相關文獻的探討,整理出物流委外運輸管理的研究架構,將原本內隱的經驗知識以系統化、實務導向的外顯文字來加以表達,以方便物流知識的管理與傳授,並藉由本研究的探討,建立一般廠商及物流運輸業者間在進行物流委外運輸時,雙方進行介面管理的重要參考。 本研究將物流運輸管理分為使用者及提供者二個角度來探討,藉以分析及瞭解: 1) 國內外物流委外現況及趨勢;2) 物流委外運輸的原因及目的;3) 物流委外運輸的主要類型;4) 物流委外運輸車隊的分類及選擇;5) 物流委外廠商及運輸業者雙方的前置準備工作及管理;6) 物流委外運輸的合約議定及績效評估等。 藉著本研究所提供之一般廠商與物流委外運輸業者間的介面管理模式,使得雙方能有效掌握各自的物流運輸管理重要介面,透過雙方在介面管理上一致而有效的作法,進而建立雙方良好的依存及互動關係。 本研究所探討的一般物流廠商係泛指物流運輸服務的使用者,各物流廠商可根據本研究所歸納整理的管理要素,來思考並規劃本身的物流流程管理,同時也應慎選優秀的物流運輸業者以有效配合公司的營運。再者本研究以第三者物流運輸業者角度,探討國內物流廠商在進行委外業務時所需掌控的各項介面管理關鍵因素,期能提供學術界與實務界做參考。同時,在實務應用上,本研究亦提供物流廠商及第三者物流運輸業者,在訓練物流運輸之專業經理人時,需具備的各項特質與知能,以利國內物流運輸管理品質的提升。


New economic concept and business demand have aroused along with the growth and change of international trade in the new era. And the continuous evolutions of supply chain management for global logistics have caused rapid change on the roles of demand-supply relationship among enterprises as well as industries. It is, therefore, an important strategic issue to build up a comprehensive and effective logistics support system to improve distribution efficiency and service quality. Further more, strategy of logistics will play a dominant role in business operations after the deregulation of trade barriers by WTO. The concept of “Logistics” has been introduced into Taiwan since 1991-92. There are numbers of books and papers introducing strategies and techniques of logistics, distribution center, and logistics management in the market since then. However, the knowledge content of this field is still pre-mature and lack of systematic foundation for practical implementation. Generally speaking, major problems come from several aspects. There are insufficient managerial experiences for those domestic enterprises, and government and academic institutes have not yet paid sufficient attention to logistics management, not mention an even newer trend of 3PL (3rd Party Logistics). This research tries to establish a conceptual/practical framework based on relevant literatures as well as personal actual experiences in this field. And the efforts are focused on transforming implicit content to explicit documentation for future management and training of logistics knowledge. One of the major purposes of this research is to suggest a referent frame to improve interface management for each logistics service user and third party logistics forwarder on both sides when adopting logistics operations. The research orientation to logistic management has been specifically divided into user’s and the provider’s viewpoints so as to help readers to understand the followings: 1. The current situation and future trend of logistics management including 3PL worldwide; 2. The motives and objectives of logistics service users; 3. The category of logistics service provided by the forwarder; 4. The analysis and assessment of transportation vehicles’ category and the choice of 3PL forwarders; 5. The preparation and management of logistics operations for both users and forwarders; 6. The negotiation of business contract and the performance appraisal of Logistics operations provided by 3PL forwarder. The conclusions and suggestions of this research have inducted several key factors of logistics management that help both users and forwarders of logistic service to do better planning and process management. Users and forwarders can perform much better when they choose business partners in a rational sense and collaborate in an efficient way. This research also emphasizes the interface management from 3PL forwarder’s point of view, in order to help both members to investigate and control critical managerial factors in practical operations. And this research also hopes to contribute to academic reference besides the business practice. Finally, this research also provides some useful guidance of education and training for businesses that need professional managers in logistics management to ensure and enhance better service quality as a whole.


34. Dun & Bradstreet,The Outsourcing Institute 2000
39. Lieb, R.C. and L.A. Peluso, 1996, “1996 CEO Perspectives on the current Status and Future Prospects of the third Party Logistics Service by large American Manufacturers: 1991, 1994, 1995 and 1996”, Proceeding of the Council of Logistics, pp.431-451.
1. 中華民國物流協會,取自物流新世紀-2001特輯
2. 中華民國物流協會,取自物流新世紀-2002特輯
3. 中華民國物流協會,第十二屆物流整合工程師訓練班,「物流委外運輸管理實務」,取自余章鈞講義。


葉華珍(2005)。探討 供應商管理存貨 之作業績效 — 以個案為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500078
