  • 學位論文

研究機構研究紀錄簿內容撰寫探討與實證研究 —以中科院及工研院為例—

An Empirical Study of the Laboratory Notebook Writing of Research Institutes : the Cases of CSIST and ITRI

指導教授 : 耿筠


智慧財產權是企業或研究機構投入人力、經費及時間所獲得的成果,屬於無形資產,很容易成為他人抄襲或模仿的標的。研究紀錄簿是用以記錄研究開發中的重要活動,具有承先啟後、累積經驗技術,日後事實佐證資料的功能,可以加強智慧財產權的保護。但有關研究紀錄簿對於智慧財產權保護功能的研究缺乏有系統的研究。 本研究於國內研究機構中選取中科院及工研院為研究對象,以專家訪談方式瞭解被訪談對象在實務上之研究紀錄簿撰寫現況如下: 一、不同研究機構人員選擇見證之對象與見證時機並不相同。 二、研究記錄簿之目的包括作為未來可能智慧財產權糾紛時之佐證、定義為內部機密技術文件作為工作傳承之用、便於回溯個人過去之想法歷程、對出資者及長官有交待等四項。 三、研究紀錄簿之撰寫內容因研究機構人員認知之不同而作法差異。 本研究續以問卷調查統計分析,探討受測對象撰寫研究紀錄簿之目的與其撰寫內容之關聯,獲得下列結論: 一、研究人員認為「對出資者及長官有交待」此項目的之重要性程度較低,對其餘三項目的之重要性程度則無顯著差異。 二、不同服務單位與不同學歷之人員對各研究紀錄簿目的之重要性程度有顯著差異。 三、研究人員於考量不同的目的時,撰寫的內容也會有所不同。 四、法律專業人士肯定研究紀錄簿作為智財權糾紛佐證之重要性,但不確定記錄「看書或聽演講中與研究有關部份」及「相關行政業務記錄」對證據力提升之幫助程度。 依文獻探討、專家訪談及問卷調查之結論,本研究提出對研究紀錄簿之撰寫建議,供企業或研究機構參考。


Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are the result of heavily investing resources, which included manpower, money and time, by the enterprises or institute. According to its invisible feature, IPRs is easily became the target for piracy or imitation. Laboratory notebook is used to record the important activities, it can be initially incentive, technologically accumulated and factually verified, and therefore it can enhance the protection of IPRs. But the related studies of the protection function of laboratory notebook for IPRs are seldom systematically achieved. First, CSIST and ITRI are selected as research objects from domestic institutes. By using the method of interview experts, the way of writing laboratory notebook can be concluded as follows: (1) The way and timing of choice witness is different between research institutes. (2) The objectives of laboratory notebook are polarized into four dimensions: evidence of IPRs, litigation, definition as confidential documents for work carry on, recalling ideas history and satisfy sponsors and supervisors. (3) The way of writing laboratory notebook is distinct due to different recognition of researchers. Furthermore, questionnaire is used to investigate relationship between objective of writing and content of laboratory notebook. The results show as follows: (1) The factor of satisfy sponsors and supervisors has less importance than other three factor, which do not have any significant difference mutually. (2) Significant difference was existed in the degree of importance of the laboratory notebook among different institutes and academic background. (3) The content of laboratory notebook vary with different research purposes. (4) Law professionals confirm the importance of laboratory notebook while using it as evidence in IPRs dispute. However, portions of laboratory notebook about administration affairs recording and stuff from speech or books do not have much help to evidence. According to the conclusions of paper researches, specialist interviews, and questionnaire, this research provides suggestions for institutes and businesses as checklist of laboratory notebook writing and management.


5.高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院內科部,http://www.kmuh.org.tw/www/intmed/intmed-weekly.htm.(last visited 2002/12/26)


