  • 學位論文

環氧樹脂/孔洞性分子篩奈米材料 之合成與鑑定

Synthesis and characterization of epoxy /mesoporous molecular sieves nanocomposites

指導教授 : 鄭吉豐


摘 要 本研究是利用MCM-41(中孔洞分子篩)、NANOPARTICLE(奈米中孔洞分子篩)和Silica取代黏土,製備EPOXY奈米複合材料。本論文第一步是利用polyglycol ether of bisphenol-A化學原料合成環氧樹脂(主劑),第二步是將孔洞性無機材在電磁攪拌下慢慢加入分散於環氧樹脂主劑中混合均勻,第三步將環氧樹脂硬化劑加入主劑中混合均勻,此混合物溶劑除去後,即可得環氧樹脂/中孔洞分子篩複合材料。藉由一系列分析測試探討particle(顆粒)大小和孔洞效應產生的影響;經實驗證明加入particle(顆粒)無機材料會大幅提升環氧樹脂的熱穩定性、楊氏係數(Young's modulous)和儲存模數(Storage modulous)。這些現象是由於中孔洞分子篩的孔洞效應和高接觸面積所導致。


環氧樹脂 奈米複材.


ABSTRACT Epoxy nanocomposites were prepared by using mesoporous materials of micropaticle, nanoparticle of MCM-41 and silica instead of clay. In this thesis, a novel segmented epoxy / mesoporous material nanocomposite based on polyolglycol ether of bisphenol-A and mesoporous material. Mechanical properties, about mesoporous material in PU results in a large increase in the modulus as confirmed by DMA studies. From TGA data, increasing of clay content will shift Td to a much higher temperature. These phenomena is due to porous effect and high contact area from mesoporous molecular sieves. Keywords:nanocomposite;mesoporous;epoxy;modulus properties.


epoxy nanocomposites.


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