  • 學位論文

台灣汽車零件廠與技術母廠進入大陸 策略聯盟與策略定位關係之研究─交易成本和資源基礎觀點

Research for Strategy Alliance and Position Relations of Taiwan Auto Parts Firms and Technical Partners Entering China-The View of Transaction Cost and Resource-Based Theory

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


論文摘要 本研究旨在從交易成本和資源基礎觀點,探討台灣汽車零件廠與技術母廠合作進入大陸,策略聯盟與策略定位關係之影響,並以台灣汽車零件廠作為研究的對象。採個案訪談法及實證分析之方法加以驗証,期望提出一套策略聯盟與策略定位類型模型。 在經由相關文獻與實證研究之探討後,將夥伴選擇準則、交易成本因素及核心資源類型建構出可操作的衡量構面,共分別將夥伴選擇準則分為「互補的能力」、「合作的文化」、「相容的目標」、「相稱的風險」,交易成本因素分為「資產專屬性」和「交易之不確定性」,核心資源類型方面分為「實體資產」、「優勢資源」和「策略性能力」,另一方面,在策略聯盟方面分為「股權合資」、「技術合作」,而策略性角色定位方面,則分為「低成本型」和「接近國際市場型」。 本研究係以與技術母廠合作布局大陸之台灣汽車零件廠為主要研究對象,寄發80份問卷,回收有效問卷36份,經由?述性分析、t-test分析、卡方檢定分析等統計方法,歸納出數點重要的實證結論,分述如下: 1. 夥伴選擇準則中互補的能力、合作的文化、相容的目標對策略聯盟股權合資類型的影響上有較顯著差異,而相稱風險對策略聯盟則無顯著影響。 2. 交易成本因素中資產專屬性及交易之不確定性對策略聯盟類型的影響上股權合資有較顯著差異。 3. 核心資源類型中實體資產、優勢資源及策略性能力對策略性角色定位類型的影響上在接近國際市場型企業有較顯著差異。 4. 核心資源類型對策略聯盟類型,以及策略聯盟類型對策略性角色定位類型的影響均無顯著差異。


Abstract The motivation of this research is to develop on strategy alliance and position relations for Taiwan auto parts firms to cooperate with technical partners for entry into the Mainland China market. Through the viewpoints of transaction cost and resource-based theory, study for the influence from its strategy alliance and policy orientation has been applied. The research focus on Taiwan local auto parts firms, through the case interview method (guestionnaire) and practical application analysis as verification rationale so as to build an optimum model of strategy alliance and position relations. Base on the literature review and empirical observations, the following principles have been set as a practical measurable structure: Selection of Partners, Transaction cost, and Core Resource Types. Selections of Partners are further categorized as “Complementary Skills”, “Cooperative Culture”, “Compatible goals”, and “Commensurate levels of Risk”; Transaction Cost is divided into “Asset Specificity” and “Uncertainty Business Transactions”. Similarly, Core Resource Types are classified as “Entity Property”, “Favorable Resources”, and “Tactical Ability”; Strategy Alliance has been divided into “Partnership of Stockholders” and “Technological Cooperation”. Conversely, Strategy Positioning is identified as “Low Cost Market” and “Market Close to International Level”. This research is targeted at Taiwan Auto parts firms who are engaged in technical cooperation with parent company in Mainland China. A total of send 80 questionnaires have been sent out and 36 effective replies have been collected. Therefore, using statistic methods such as narrative analysis, t-test, chi-square test, the key important points have been summarized and concluded as the following: 1. Complementary skills, cooperative culture and compatible goals between the partner-related selection criteria have significant influence on strategy alliance, however commensurate levels of risk have no influence on strategy alliance. 2. Asset specificity and uncertainty business transactions between the transactions cost factors selection criteria have significant influence on strategy alliance with “partnership of stockholders” field. 3. Entity property, favorable resources, and tactical ability between the core resource types selection criteria have significant influence on position relations with “market close to international level “ field. 4. Core resource types selection and strategy alliance, however they have no influence, and strategy alliance have no influence on position relations.


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