  • 學位論文

協同設計模式之研究 —以國防工業供應鏈體系為例

A Study of Collaborative Design Model for the Industry of National Defence Supply Chain

指導教授 : 宮大川


摘要 近年來隨著電腦科技的迅速進步,以及網際網路的快速發展,造成全球化的競爭更顯激烈,因此企業紛紛尋求不同的方法來維持企業的營運,並且試圖創造獨特的競爭優勢。全球商務進入了所謂的「協同商務」時代,一個企業是否具有競爭力,已經不單只是衡量單一公司的核心能力,也端視該公司在其「供應鏈體系」中的協同能力或是「配合」協同的能力。中小企業在這一波「協同商務」的發展趨勢下,對於「協同設計」應該注意哪些事項,方能順利生存下來,甚至取得優勢,正是本文所欲探討的重點。 因此,本研究針對國防工業供應鏈體系研發計畫的專案研發管制,予以探討專案研發計畫之產品協同設計概念,並建立專案研發計畫產品協同設計的參考模式。最後,以中山科學研究院飛彈武器系統產品協同設計的情境導入參考模式中進行驗證,以提供業界參考。


PDM 同步工程 產品協同設計


Abstract In a rapidly changing global economic environment, many companies work with their suppliers or their customers in order to design the service or product that can meet what their customers needs better. More and more competitors have been take working on collaborative design with their subcontractors and retails in order to get the competitive advantages of an enterprise. Dramatic improvements of the performance of product design, like faster time to market, innovating products delivered, and better customer satisfaction are the potential value for collaboration. Since the collaborative design is operated between group of partner companies to improve their core design processes. The integration of different site through the project management will impact the output performance about product development. In this research a product collaborated design project management model about defense industrial have been investigated. Through the product design process analysis, we generalize four totally different collaborative design processes management model under supply chain. The main purpose of this research is to present how supplier involved in the defense industrial supply chain could through an collaborative design structure and activity let the product design work more effectively. To verify the feasibility of the proposed models, a weapon system development project management case have been study. The scenario analysis also provides for a better understanding of this approach. The result of this model could be referenced and modified easily for difference kind of enterprises, when developing its own collaborate design management system.


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